DRN Netwerkbijeenkomst op 24 juni a.s.in Venlo

DRN Netwerkbijeenkomst op 24 juni a.s.in VenloDe DRN organiseert een netwerkbijeenkomst waar de focus ligt op logistiek en infrastructuur in de ruimste zin van het woord.

Deze bijeenkomst maakt deel uit van Roemeense missie Gateway Development die op uitnodiging van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland als uitvoerende organisatie ons land bezoekt. Dus een direct contact met Roemeense vertegenwoordigers is een extra reden om aan deze bijeenkomst deel te nemen.

De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in het prachtige stadhuis van Venlo en start om 16.00 uur. Uiteraard is daartoe ook de wethouder van economische Stephan Satijn uitgenodigd. Tevens zijn als participant uitgenodigd Fontys Hogeschool Techniek en Logistiek (Vervoersacademie) en Nederland Distributieland. Gelet op de korte voorbereidingstijd verzoeken wij u zich zo snel mogelijk aan te melden via het online aanmeldingsformulier.

(Wijzigingen voorbehouden)

Wednesday June 24 – Venlo Gateway Development II
Moderator: Natasja Hart

DRN Netwerkbijeenkomst

Stadhuis Venlo ¦ Markt 1 ¦ 5911 Venlo

10:00 Greenport Venlo
10.00 Company visit Staay-Van Rijn
Topic: Value adding logistics
11.00 Welcome by the Mayor of Horst aan de Maas, Kees van Rooij.
11.05 Development Company Greenport Venlo
Meeting with Anton Bos, interim manager
Topic: Regional development and the role of logistics
11.35 Innovation Center Greenport Venlo
Meeting with Sjoerd Wensink, programme manager
Topic: background on the logistic development of the region, the co-operation in the region in the field of logistics, innovation projects.
11.50 Contribution from the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture Constanta

Greenport Venlo is one of six Greenports in the Netherlands. It is the second largest horticultural area in the Netherlands and it is the most all-round of Europe. The area has been marked as ‘logistic hot spot of the Netherlands’ six times in nine years.

Greenport Venlo is a unique co-operation between companies, the government, researchers, education and the environment. The focus is on economic development of the region, with a strong accent on business and innovations in horticulture, agro, production and logistics. The co-operation is very divers but has clear goals: to raise the economic (added) value from 1 billion euro to 2 billion euro, a competitive advantage for business through sustainable entrepreneurship and the creation of high-grade jobs through an excellent knowledge and education infrastructure and the establishment of the HAS University of Applied Sciences to the region.

In short: a progressive, sustainable region in fresh, food, flowers and logistics with unique connections and co-operation between companies, the government, research and education institutes.

Greenports in the Netherlands
The Dutch horticulture is concentrated in a number of areas: the greenports. These greenports are marked by the government as regions where activities in the field of agri(food), horticulture and agrologistics are developed and strengthened. In these areas there is a concentration of companies that are strongly interconnected, like cultivation companies, auctions, sales companies, traders, exporting companies and suppliers. Often there are companies that improve strains and reproduction companies of plants and seeds as well. Also knowledge institutes in the field of horticulture are nearby, as well as service providers and financial institutions.

Logistics in Greenport Venlo
Greenport Venlo has a strong basis in logistics. the strategic location between mainports and hinterland, the multimodal ways of transport, sufficient space and the presence of logistic knowledge are the reasons why Greenport Venlo consists of a strong and extensive cluster of logistic companies. The logistic cluster North-Limburg includes 500 logistic companies. Amongst them are logistic service provides (carriers, 3PL’s, 4PL’s etc), custom facilities, two barge and rail terminals and knowledge institutes. Together they provide about 13.000 jobs (12.6% of the working population). Besides a strong logistic cluster Greenport Venlo also has a strong agrologistic cluster. The logistic part of the agro-food and horticulture adds up to 25% of the total added value. This proportion is expected to grow in the coming years.

Development Company Greenport Venlo (DCGV)
While the other Greenports have no or limited expansion possibilities, Greenport Venlo has plenty of room to grow. On the ground area of the municipalities of Horst aan de Maas, Peel en Maas, and Venlo includes Greenport Venlo an area of 5.400 acres that includes various work locations. It is also known as a 4-leaf clover. This area is located northwest of the logistical hotspot Venlo, easily reached via the motorways A67, A73 and A74 and opened up by the Greenportlane. More than twenty thousand mostly small and medium businesses established within a radius of about eighty kilometres around Greenport Venlo.

Development Company Greenport Venlo was founded in late 2009 by its shareholders; the municipalities of Horst aan de Maas, Peel en Maas, Venlo, as well as the Province of Limburg.

At an appropriate distance from its shareholders, DCGV directs the integrated area development in Greenport Venlo, within the frameworks outlined in the Masterplan and the Strategic Business Plan.


12:00 Departure for KLG, Columbusweg 10 5928 LC Venlo
12:30 Kuijken Logistics GroupLunch

Guided tour and intermodal terminal

Logistics is a highly diverse industry, each of the operating companies specializing over time in one or several component areas. Their proficiency is not reflected by assets or size, but is related to what skills they are recognized for, competitive position or return on capital performance. KLG Europe’s key drivers of value can be displayed into Group expertise, a set of skills that all our operations share, and Expertise by country, as each of the countries where we are present in has developed specific logistics knowledge.

In Romania, KLG headquartered in capital city Bucharest and operates 7 branch locations in key areas throughout the country. Established here in 2005, KLG now employs 350 people and has an annual turnover of 21.5 million euros (2012). KLG manages in Romania over 56.500 sq m of warehousing space equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a fleet of 230 trucks, owned by KLG Europe and reliable subcontractors.

15:00 Contribution from the National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania (UNTRR)
15:15 Q & A session / discussion
15:30 Welcome and registration,
Cityhall Venlo, Markt 1, 5911 Venlo
16:00-18.00 Networkevent Dutch Romanian Network companies at City Hall of Venlo
Speakers: Hans Aarts, director Fontys Hogeschool Technic and Logistic
Jens Karreman, KPMG Meijburg & Co
Alderman Stephan Satijn

Toelichting programma onderdelen woensdag 24 juni

Het programma bestaat uit drie onderdelen:

  1. Bezoek Greenport
  2. Bezoek KLG Europe
  3. Deelname DRN Netwerkbijeenkomst Stadhuis Venlo

Door DRN leden is gevraagd om aan de volgende zaken aandacht te schenken:

  • Greenport – Koelopslag mogelijkheden – verpakkingsmogelijkheden – distributie
  • KLG Europe – VAT Deferment is implemented, but requirement is that both Importer and Customs Clearance Agent have to have the AEO Certificate. This should be changed in: only Customs Agent has to have AEO – VAT restitution should be done within 6 weeks, in order to avoid importers to import through BG –Fiscal Representation should be promoted and facilitated by Government – A serious Logistics Bachelor/Master would improve knowledge and new logistics developments in Romania. Fontys Venlo is leading and is willing to share knowledge, Support from Government to improve inland transport by rail and barge from Port of Constanta. Koper is taking too much volumes for the region because of their good rail connections
  • DRN Netwerkbijeenkomst – Toelichting door Fontys over kennisoverdracht logistieke opleidingen in Roemenië – KPMG Meijburg & Co licht fiscale zaken toe zoals BTW Verleggingsregeling – versnelling BTW teruggave – company tax – fiscale informatie Roemenie – Delegatieleider Roemeense delegatie licht doel missie toe – Wethouder Economische Zaken over internationale gerichtheid van Venlo – Gelegenheid tot één op één gesprekken voor maken van afspraken en kennisuitwisseling.
  • Voor de Nederlandse deelnemers eindigt de bijeenkomst uiterlijk om 18.00 uur