Romanian Business Day November 21, 2024


In the floodplains of the Meuse and Waal rivers stands the beautiful Slot Loevestein, this year the atmospheric location for the Romanian Business Day.

The Romanian Business Day once again offers you a strong substantive program with plenty of networking opportunities. Central theme will be the economic developments and investment climate in Romania, with half an eye on the upcoming elections there.

We have found some very prominent speakers from Romania willing to share with you their views and their experiences on current developments. According to the experts, what are the prospects for the coming years?

Also this year we are organizing so-called round tables where you can talk with the experts as well as with your fellow entrepreneurs about topics that are relevant to you. The roundtables are interactive, where each participant can provide input.

The day will conclude with networking drinks and the presentation of the Romanian Business Award.

For members of the Dutch Romanian Network participation in this day is free. For non-members the costs are € 25 per person, excluding VAT.

Register now for this day, it is the excellent opportunity to meet your (future) relations!


14.40 – 15.00
Reception and Registration

15.00 – 15.10

Opening by Kees Kuijken, chairman DRN

15.10 – 16.30
– Macro economic outlook for Romania by
Valentin Tataru, Chief Economist ING Romania.

– Impact of political developments on business climate by
Radu Hanga, President of the Bucharest Stock Exchange

– Comment on the investment climate by
Gerke Witteveen, CEO NN Pensii Romenia

– DN-Agrar, the road to scholarship through
Peter de Boer, Investor Relations Manager

16.30- 16.45

16.45 – 17.45
Roundtables on current topics

17.45 – 20.00
Networking reception
Presentation Romanian Business Award
Night tour of Loevestein Castle

Roundtable discussions


Elaboration of economic outlook in Romania
Led by Valentin Tataru, ING Romania


Opportunities and possibilities in the Romanian
Agri sector led by Reinder Schaap, former agricultural council in Bucharest
& Pieter Hellferich, Agriprogress & Peter de Boer, DN-Agrar


Stock market and investment climate in Romania,
led by Gerke Witteveen, NN Pensii & Radu Hanga, Bucharest Stock Exchange


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