Stop defending your prices and start communicating your value

In other words, the added value you and we provide is the focus, not the price. Because there is always someone who can do it cheaper.
Even though Romania was still a “white spot” to many around 2000, a number of pioneers at the turn of the century saw the opportunities the country offered. These pioneers decided to share their experiences and guard each other from the pitfalls of entering a new emerging market, and when Romania joined the European market in 2007, they decided to establish the Dutch Romanian Network because the increase in interest was also growing rapidly.
Entrepreneurs discovered that the law of the inhibiting lead states that in many cases, a disadvantage is actually an opportunity.
And this has been demonstrably proven in today’s Romania!
And our country has become the largest investor in Romania!
The pioneers of the time were of the opinion that the (DRN) platform should have a nonprofit character so should not be an end in itself.
However, in order to adequately answer the demand of entrepreneurs, a professional organization had to be set up so that there is an added value for the members and it has to be kept up to date.
So the growth model should be pursued because this is precisely what strengthens the influence of the individual member.
So new members are very welcome and as we indicated it is not about the (small) price of membership but about the added value it creates for you as an entrepreneur. Please note the date of the annual Romanian Business Day on Thursday, November 21, when we hope to welcome you as a member!
Just send us a message via the form on our website