Romanian Business Week 2020
Tuesday 24 NOVEMBER –Friday 27 NOVEMBER
This year, the traditional Romanian Business Day will turn into a full digital event, due to the Covid pandemic. On the positive side, the event will be extended from a single day event to almost a full week;
Therefore, we kindly invite you to join us at The Romanian Business Week Online.
Central theme for the event will be ‘Doing business in Romania”
Starting from Tuesday 24 November until Friday 27 November 2020 we will offer you an interesting programme of twice daily interactive webinars on a broad spectrum of topics, including updates on business opportunities and current developments Romania. Webinars will be offered both for people in the orientation phase as well as for experienced business men and women.
The key note speakers in each of the webinars are highly experienced entrepreneurs with a long track record of doing business in Romania . Of course the impact of the recent Covid pandemic will be addressed during the webinars.
During the webinars you can engage with the speaker via the chat modus but if you so whish, you can also submit any questions you have on a subject beforehand on your application form.
Scroll down below for the full webinar programme and register for one or more of the webinars.
Participation is free of charge but registration for the webinar(s) you want to attend is obligatory.
The Romanian Business Day is a yearly event, aimed at supporting and strengthening the business ties between the Netherlands and Romania and is open for all entrepreneurs from both the Netherlands and Romania.
This year the event is supported by the Dutch Romanian Network, ING, the Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce and NLinBusiness. The webinars will be facilitated by Dentons Romania.
TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 10.30 – 11.30 (NL TIME)
Language: English
Joins us for the webinar ‘Exploring doing business in Romania, Tuesday 24 November.
The webinar will provide an overview off the business opportunities the country has to offer and touch upon about the key aspects of doing business in Romania. Furthermore it will introduce you to a network of organisations that can provide you support while entering the Romanian market.
- During the webinar you will have a short presentation , followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Emil-Răzvan Pîrjol
Ministry of Economy
Secretary of State in charge of Tourism & Foreign Trade and InvestRomania.
Brândușa Ioana Predescu
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Geert van de Guchte ING
Regional Director Corporate Clients
Chairman Dutch Romanian Network
Tom Leene GKN Aerospace
Director Fokker Engineering Romania
President Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce.
Edo Offerhaus
Managing Director
Wijnand Marchal
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bucharest
Commercial Counselor
Language: English
This webinar will give you a bird overview of the Romanian fiscal legislation and the significant differences with the Netherlands. Further more the webinar will highlight the recent developments and changes in fiscal law, including the Covid related legislation.
Topics of the webinar
- Differences in legislation; micro company, profit tax, dividend withholding tax, personal income tax.
- Recent changes in fiscal controls, transfer pricing, DAC 6 and Ultimate Beneficial Owner
- Covid related legislation.
- HR and Covid investment incentives related to staff working in Romania and abroad.
During the webinar you will have short presentations by the expert of Mazars Tax & Advisory , followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Edwin Warmerdam
Mazars Romania
Partner, Head of Tax Advisory
Andrea Georgescu
Mazars Romania
Head HR Advisory Services
Bianca Vlad
Mazars Romania
Partner, Taks Advisory
Language: English
Joins us for the webinar ‘Economic outlook for Romania” where experts of ING will present the macro economic forecast for Romania after Covid.
How has the Covid pandemic affected the economic outlook? And Covid aside, what are the major developments and structures that influence Romania’s economic outlook in the long term?
- During the webinar you will have a short presentation by followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Serge Offers
ING Romania
Valentin Tataru
ING Romania
Chief Economist
TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 15.30-16.30
Language: English
Joins us for the webinar Cultural differences in business between the Netherlands and Romania”.
One of the biggest challenges when operating a business internationally is to understand and benefit from the cultural differences in the business climate between countries. Cultural understanding is crucial for every company to avoid misunderstandings or costs and to succeed in the marketplace.
This webinar will help you understand the differences in the cultural business climate between the Netherlands and Romania and give you useful insights in what to do and what to avoid, based on the personal experience of the speaker, mr. Kees Kuijken, former CEO of KLG Europe.
- During the webinar you will have a short presentation by mr. Kuijken followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your beforehand, on the registration form.
Kees Kuijken
KLG Europe
THURSDAY 27 NOVEMBER 11.00 – 12.00 (NL Time)
Language: English
Joins us for the webinar ‘How to organise your workforce, on Thursday 27 November.
The webinar will give you insights on how the Romanian HR environment differs from the Dutch HR environment and how to attract and keep ‘top talent’ in the labor market that is getting tight for such talent in Romania as well.
- During the webinar you will have a short presentation by followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Ionela Sulugiuc
Lidl Discount S.R.L.
HR Director Romania
THURSDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2020 15.30 – 16.30 (NL TIME)
Language: English
Joins us for the webinar ” Nearshoring to Romania” on Thursday 27 November.
Nearshoring is the practice of outsourcing work to a nearby location. This practice enables businesses to reap the cost benefits of an offshore location without having to overcome some of the language, culture and time zone challenges that can be presented by more remote offshoring.
The major disruptions in supplychains from countries far away these past months , due to the COVID-19 pandemic, have had a profound effect on the day to day business for retailers and manufacturers.
Maybe, in the future, nearshoring is an better option than off shoring? And if nearshoring is an better option, what does Romania has to offer? And is nearshoring only suitable for IT services?
This webinar will help you understand what nearshoring to Romania can mean for your business and give you useful insights in what to do and what to avoid, based on the personal experience of the speaker mr. Han in ‘t Veld, CEO of NetRom Software.
- During the webinar you will have a short presentation by mr. in ‘t Veld, followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Han in ‘t Veld
NetRom Software
FRIDAY 27 NOVEMBER 11.00 – 12.30 (NL Time)
Language: English and Dutch
Joins us for the webinar ‘Opportunities and succes in the agrifood in Romania’ on Friday 27 November.
The webinar will give you an overview of recent developments (both positive and negative) and investment opportunities in the Agrifood sector in Romania. A number of speakers will share their experiences in the sector in Romania.
Your hosts during the webinars will be Mr. Pieter Helfferich and Reinard Schaap.
- During the webinar you will have a number of short presentations followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Sven van Genugten
Genugten Agri Projects
Minne Lettinga
Frisian Investors
Pieter Helfferich
Reinder Schaap
FRIDAY 28 NOVEMBER 15.30 – 16.30 (NL Time)
Language: English
Joins us for the webinar ‘ Business law, differences between two systems’ on Friday 28 November 2020.
The webinar will give you insights on how the legal environment for businesses in Romania differs from the Dutch legal environment, the opportunities this might bring you but also how to face the challenges that your business might face, operating in Romania.
- During the webinar you will have a short presentation by followed by an Q & A where you can pose your questions via chat. But you can also ask your questions beforehand, on the registration form.
Loredana van de Waart
Gruia Dufaut Law Office
What is a webinar?
If you have never participated in a webinar you might wonder what it is exactly.
A webinar is a seminar that is hosted online. So instead of coming together in a room to listen to a presentation, you follow the presentation online behind your computer. The presentation is live and you can see both the speaker and his presentation on your screen.
If you have a camera on your device, the speaker and the other participants will be able to see you as well and you will be able to see the other participants.
A webinar is usually interactive, where the participants are invited to ask questions or discuss a certain topic with the speaker. To prevent the speaker from being interrupted during his presentation question can be asked via the chat.
To manage the flow of questions there is a moderator present during the seminar. He or she will collect the questions that come in via the chat and will pass them on to the speaker. The moderator will invite you then to pose your question to the speaker.
You can use any device to attend the webinar, as long as it is connected to the internet and has screen, a microphone and a camera. So you can use your desktop computer, your laptop, your ipad or even your phone.
To enter’ the webinar you click on the link you have received by email from the organiser of the webinar and you will be admitted automatically.
If you have never before attended a seminar, we advise you to enter early. It could be that you have to download the programme the webinar is using. This is usually pretty straight forward and self explanatory, the device you are using will guide you through the steps, but it might take some time. So in order not to be late we advise you set up 15 minutes before the webinar starts.
Wat is een webinar?
Als u nog nooit heeft deelgenomen aan een webinar vraagt u zich misschien af wat het is en hoe het precies werkt.
Kort gezegd is een webinar een online presentatie. Het woord ‘webinar’ is een samentrekking van de woorden ‘web’ en ‘seminar’. Het verschil tussen een seminar en webinar is dat bij een seminar een fysiek publiek is, terwijl bij een webinar alles online gaat. De deelnemers volgen de presentatie van achter hun computer. De presentatie is live en u kunt zowel de spreker zijn of haar presentatie volgen via uw scherm.
Als u een camera heeft op het toestel dat u gebruikt, kunnen zowel de spreker als de andere deelnemers u ook zien tijdens het webinar.
De meeste webinars zijn interactief, waarbij de deelnemers vragen kunnen stellen aan de spreker of in discussie kunnen gaan over een bepaald onderwerp met de spreker. Om te voorkomen dat de spreker tijdens zijn presentatie te vaak wordt gestoord, worden de vragen gesteld via de chat.
Om het webinar in goede banen te leiden is er, naast de spreker, ook een moderator aanwezig. Hij of zij verzamelt de vragen die binnen komen via de chat en geeft deze door aan de spreker. Als er een geschikt moment is tijdens de presentatie, zal de moderator u het woord geven om uw vraag te stellen aan de spreker.
U kunt deelnemen aan het webinar uw computer, een laptop, een ipad of zelfs uw telefoon, zolang u er maar voor zorgt dat uw apparaat verbonden is met het internet en beschikt over een scherm, een microfoon en een camera.
Om het webinar ‘binnen’ te komen, klikt u op de link die u heeft ontvangen van de organisatie in een email, u wordt dan automatisch naar het webinar toe geleid.
Als u niet eerder heeft deelgenomen aan een webinar dan adviseren wij u om een kwartier voor aanvang van het webinar even te proberen of de link op uw computer goed werkt.
Het kan zijn dat u een programma moet downloaden waar het webinar gebruik van maakt. Dit gaat normaal gesproken erg gemakkelijk, u krijgt meestal vanzelf de stappen in beeld die u moet volgen, maar dit kan wel even duren. Vandaar dat wij u aanraden om dit even van te voren te controleren.