Page 5 - Cormana Grow-Care-Share
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            Livestock farming, particularly dairy farming, has great potential in Romania.

            Thanks to smart solutions in the field of forage harvesting, processing, and manure

            technology, CORMANA is your ideal conversation partner and supplier of top

            brands in the livestock industry. We provide smart solutions in livestock farming.

            Leading agricultural machinery    RMH stand for quality, reliability and   Schuitemaker offers a wide range of
            manufacturer of innovative harvest-  long life. Our high-quality feed   professional agricultural machinery
            ing equipment for the global      mixers are the result of extensive   for forage harvesting and feeding for
            farming industry.                 experience and development.      livestock farmers.

            Veenhuis Machines develops,       Holaras supplies an extensive range   Transform how you feed your herd.
            designs and produces systems that   of machines (many of them expand-  Get started with the Feedlync cloud
            allow farmers to benefit from     able) for livestock farming, silaging   based, paperless all-in-one feed
            organic fertilizer and its nutrients.  and the biogas industry.    management system.

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