Page 5 - RO BG Dierlijke sector presentatie LAN dagen
P. 5

Agricultural production in Romania (2014)

Crops               ha t                  Livestock                                                    000's heads

Wheat and rye       2,123,034 7,609,176    Cattle, of which:                                             Measure units        2,069
Barley and two-row                                                                                       Thousand tons
barley                515,996 1,712,509     cows, buffalo cows and heifers                               Thousand tons        1,307
Hop                         243 268        Pigs, of which:                                               Thousand tons
Oats                                        sows for breeding                                            Millions pieces      5,042
Maize grains          179,650 381,626
Sunflowerseed       2,512,809 11,988,553   Sheep and goats                                             Tonnes live weight        378
Rapeseed            1,001,020 2,189,309
Soya beans                                 Poultry, of which:                                                               10,935
Sugar beet            406,705 1,059,121
Potatoes                79,910 202,892      laying hens                                                                     75,507
Vegetables - total      31,280 1,398,570                          Animal products
Tomatoes                                                                                                                    42,799
Egg-plants            198,540 3,519,329   Milk (calves consumption incl) - cows (physical)
White cabbage         239,474 3,802,494   Milk production (calves consumption excl) - cows (physical)                      Production
Bell pepper                               Milk production - sheep and goats (physical)
                        43,857 706,200    Egg production                                                                        4,401
                         9,209 127,578    Total live weight of the animals for slaughter                                        4,010
                        47,837 1,123,132                                                                                        6,636
                        18,241 228,576

                                          Live weight of the animals for slaughter - cattle            Tonnes live weight  183,562

                                          Live weight of the animals for slaughter - pigs              Tonnes live weight  534,724

                                          Live weight of the animals for slaughter - sheep and goats   Tonnes live weight  107,781

                                          Live weight of the animals for slaughter - poultry           Tonnes live weight  488,361

5 Emar Gemmeke | Landbouwraad voor Romeniƫ en Bulgarije
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