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42  SUSTAINABILITY SPECIAL                                                                                              43

                                                                         WITH SKOON, THE FUTURE LOOKS A

                                                                       LITTLE GREENER. IF THE SWAPPABLE
 E AR LY   C O N N E C T I O N S
 As the Skoon idea grew into a genuine possibility, Peter Paul got to work on   BATTERY METHOD CAN HELP SAVE
 the concept and studying the market independently. He knew that in order
 to get the business off the ground, he wanted a potential partner with an   LOGISTICS FIRMS SAVE MONEY OVER
 existing product on which to apply his theory and release it in a traditional
 marketplace.                                                          THE LONG TERM, WHILE KEEPING IN

 “Given our aspirations for application and expansion,” he says, “we decided    LINE WITH INTERNATIONAL
 that Damen was an ideal partner. We could learn a lot from Damen’s
 experience and expertise, while Damen ships fitted with Skoonboxes              REGULATIONS, THE SKOONBOX
 could demonstrate proof-of-concept.” Furthermore, Damen’s seniority in
 the market and established reputation could help the company achieve            COULD BE THE SILVER LINING IN
 exposure, which would create opportunities to grow Skoon’s networks and
 stakeholder connections.                                                        A TURBULENT FUTURE.
 For Damen, the partnership with Skoon creates further opportunity to add
 value for the customer in the shape of battery-compatible vessels straight
 off the production line, providing an easy way to meet upcoming emissions
 regulations and benefit from the clean energy model by future-proofing
 shipping operations.

 In summer 2018, Skoon and Damen agreed a formal partnership. As Damen
 announced the partnership in its network, Skoon immediately felt the benefit.   There has been a mixed response to the idea, but now is a good time in the
 Companies heard of the initiative and began to approach Peter Paul, curious    market to encourage this kind of change. In 2020, new IMO regulations will
 about Skoon’s idea and service, and the value it could offer to the shipping   come into effect requiring vessels to reduce sulphur emissions from 3.5%
 industry. This publicity certainly helped Skoon to gain visibility and contributed   to 0.5%. In light of this, the industry is looking for ways to lower emissions
 S KOON ’ S   C ON C E P T I ON  to business opportunities further down the line.  in the most cost-effective way. One option is for refineries to blend fuel oil   This will be achieved through the use of Skoon’s software platform, which
 Skoon’s co-founder, Peter Paul van Voorst tot Voorst, conceived of a model   with lower levels of sulphurous components in order to achieve a compliant   enables container terminals to organise and track the logistics of Skoonbox
 for electrically-powered vessels while working part-time at Damen and   N O T P L A I N S A I L I N G  fuel oil; an alternative is for ships to install exhaust gas cleaning systems to   transfers. The software enables users to keep track of which customers have
 studying Marine Technology at the Delft University of Technology. He was   The implementation wasn’t without its challenges. Replacing the fossil fuels   remove SOx gases after combustion.  which hardware, and exactly where each Skoonbox is and where it will be
 focused on the perennial problem of designing a future for ships that would   market is a significant shift, and the Skoon initiative is the first of its kind –   The industry also faces pressure from EU regulations regarding Non-Road   needed. This automation of the administrative part of the process is the key
 make them cleaner, more comfortable and more efficient in their operation.   it’s a completely new idea to use a swappable battery.  Mobile Machinery (NRMM), which aim to progressively reduce pollutant   to connecting stakeholders to one another, and through these connections,
 His challenge was to find a solution to a three-stranded problem:  emissions and to phase out equipment with the most polluting engines.   forming the routes that allow vessels to exchange batteries at each end.
 As Peter Paul explains, “One of our biggest challenges has been to explain   Newbuild vessels will need to be fitted with compliant engines, and many
 1.  The technical issue of how to reduce emissions in the short term while    the new system to people in order for them to understand the premise. It   existing engines will require emissions filters.  E N R O U T E
    ensuring the capacity for future improvement  requires a new way of thinking.” A bit like the switching of fuel in cars from   Looking to the future, success relies on adoption of the system, and Skoon’s
 2.  The practical issue of introducing a solution that can easily be       oil-based to electricity; the car needs charging every day rather than filling   Through choice or through compulsion, these stipulations mean many   strategy is to grow port by port, incrementally making the connections
    incorporated into the daily operation of vessels  up the fuel tank every few days. The planning and operations are therefore   companies are looking at switching to a ‘greener’ kind of energy, be that   that create feasibility of the model. The main focus is to increase Skoon’s
 3.  The economic issue of how to make such a solution financially       different. It took time to explain these differences to the market on a case-  from electric power or combined diesel-electric power. Batteries are   presence in ports close to densely-populated areas. These locations hold
    competitive with current and future alternatives  by-case basis.  expensive and the rate of technological development in the field could mean   the most promise as they rely on a lot of power for many other applications
        the hardware quickly depreciates in value, as improvements in efficiency   besides marine logistics. This means a higher chance of achieving a simple
 Emissions-reducing solutions for shipping include engines powered by   make older hardware obsolete much more quickly.  connection to a local power grid through which to charge the batteries and
 liquefied natural gas or by hydrogen cells, but these are expensive to   also the potential of access to nearby onshore applications for the batteries,
 implement and at present offer little scope for upgrade once installed.   This also means that customers will want to keep up with technological   such as the festivals and construction sites mentioned earlier. In this way,
 The introduction of a ‘battery box’ would require little imposition on the   “GIVEN OUR ASPIRATIONS FOR   developments. This is possible through replacing the batteries every five   Skoonboxes can become part of the overall infrastructure of the location.
 structure and operation of a ship’s propulsion and the removable batteries   years in order to ensure optimum performance. The old batteries will be   Damen also plays a role here. In the words of Peter Paul, “Every customer
 could be replaced following the development of newer, more efficient   APPLICATION AND EXPANSION, WE   given a second life on land, while the vessel continues with the latest energy   Damen talks to in the world has an energy demand. Together, we can help to
 methods of energy storage.  storage technology. This is good news for battery suppliers, as they can rely   find a sustainable solution for their demand. Skoon can analyse the energy
 DECIDED THAT DAMEN WAS AN IDEAL   on regular business from Skoon – and perhaps similar companies – wanting   profile of the Damen customer and determine which type of technology can
 As transport ships currently refuel while unloading and loading cargo, an   to maintain their stock.  best help them to meet their needs.”
 alternative power solution would need to seamlessly replace the refueling   PARTNER. WE COULD LEARN A
 part of this process. While cars can be charged overnight, ships never sleep –   S KO O N O N T H E WAT E R  They say ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. As the sober reality of climatic
 their structure doesn’t feature charging ports, and a static connection would   LOT FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE AND   The first Skoonbox was ready for logistical tests in January 2019, as Skoon   changes forces us to adapt our behaviour, we are driven to find new solutions
 hamper their mobility. By providing exchangeable batteries, the ship doesn’t   analysed the transfer process to see how the theory compared to its real-life   to meet our present and future challenges. With Skoon, the future looks a little
 need to wait around while charging, and is free to leave port as soon as the   EXPERTISE, WHILE DAMEN SHIPS   application. The team followed the Skoonbox from its placement on an   greener. If the swappable battery method can help save logistics firms save
 cargo is loaded.  inland transport vessel in Rotterdam to its deposit in Hengelo. As Peter Paul   money over the long term, while keeping in line with international regulations,
 FITTED WITHSKOONBOXES COULD   reflects, “The test was very positive and gave an opportunity for us to learn   the Skoonbox could be the silver lining in a turbulent future.
 The development and production of transport-grade shipping batteries is   how different stakeholders view the process from different perspectives. For
 expensive – the cost must be offset somewhere. The ingenious solution to   DEMONSTRATE PROOF-OF-CONCEPT.”  example, container terminals look at vessel routes rather than actual vessels,
 this challenge is to make these essentially ‘mobile’ batteries compatible   and we discovered the Skoonbox had been booked on a different vessel to
 with onshore, as well as offshore, applications. Skoon’s swappable batteries   the test vessel, which was also headed to Hengelo.” The challenge for Skoon
 are also viable for use in land-based applications such as powering music   is therefore to make it easy for the terminals to see these systems and how
 festivals and construction sites. This variety in application creates the   the process works in order for this practice to become scalable.
 capacity for batteries to be used while not in demand by marine vessels.
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