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                                                                                                                                                      Offshore wind: an                 years, in particular, have seen a   was 3 megawatts. At the time of
                                                                                                                                                      industry built on European        massive increase in installation   writing, 8.25 megawatt turbines are
                                                                                                                                                      foundations                       and commissioning of new wind     currently in use at the UK’s Walney
                                                                                                                                                      It is fair to say that the offshore   farms. The most important trends   Extension wind farm.
     WIND OF CHANGE:                                                                                                                                  wind industry has its roots firmly   experienced in the industry are that   In the future, it is expected that
                                                                                                                                                                                        offshore wind farms are getting
                                                                                                                                                      planted in Europe. The UK, Germany,
                                                                                                                                                      Denmark and the Netherlands hold
                                                                                                                                                                                        bigger (in terms of number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           turbine manufacturer MHI Vestas will
     OFFSHORERENEWABLES                                                                                                                               the top four positions with respect   turbines) and farther out to sea in   double digit offshore wind turbine)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           have its 10 megawatt (the world’s first
                                                                                                                                                                                        deeper and rougher waters.
                                                                                                                                                      to installed generation capacity in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ready for installation in 2021.
                                                                                                                                                      the world. For example, there are
     IN AMERICA                                                                                                                                       currently more than 4,300 offshore   Additionally, the turbines themselves
                                                                                                                                                      wind turbines with a combined
                                                                                                                                                                                        are increasing in power generation
                                                                                                                                                                                        capacity. Ten years ago the typical
                                                                                                                                                      capacity of 16 gigawatts installed
                                                                                                                                                      in European waters. The last five   capacity for an offshore wind turbine
      Electricity production in the United States           HOW DO YOU SEE THE AMERICAN OFFSHORE WIND
      still relies heavily on non-renewable energy          SECTOR DEVELOPING?
      sources. Fossil fuels and nuclear power               David: It is a market that is showing slow but steady growth.
      generate more than 80% of the country’s               What is relevant here is that the American market can look
      total energy needs. Renewable energy                  at advances in the European market and supply chain. This
      sources do contribute to the US market, but           means that the American offshore wind market will not have
                                                            to undergo the steep learning curve that we experienced
      at rates hovering just above the 17% mark. It         in Europe. They will have the advantage of multiple lessons
      must be noted that this relatively low figure         learned. The issue of local content is a point that cannot be
      masks the enormous potential of renewable             ignored, though – all vessels will need to be built locally.
      energy in America. Considering the fact
      that there is currently only one offshore             YES, THE JONES ACT – WHAT IMPACT WILL THAT HAVE?
      wind farm in operation in US waters (the 30           David: The Jones Act will be one of the first things
      megawatts Block Island off the Rhode Island           developers have to deal with. A crucial fact, however, is that
                                                            there are no existing vessels that match the requirements.
      coast), offshore wind is a perfect example            Therefore the diverse range of vessels needed for the
      for such growth.                                      numerous phases of an offshore wind farm all have to be
                                                            built. This situation is complicated even further because
      With their attention on the exciting future of the American   every state also has their own local content policy on top of
                              offshore wind industry, Damen   the Jones Act. These local content regulations stipulate the
                              director business development   use of local vessel operators and local shipyards as vessel
                              & market intelligence David   builders.
                              Stibbe and area manager North
                              America Daan Dijxhoorn answer   Daan: Damen has embraced the Jones Act by forming
                              some of the most important    cooperative relationships with local yards that have the
                              questions.                    capacity to build Damen designs. In fact, our procedures
                                                            for building vessels in local yards – Damen Technical
                              WHAT ARE THE MOST             Cooperation – and our extensive experience in working
                              IMPORTANT DRIVERS OF THE      with American yards is our unique selling point. We know
                              OFFSHORE WIND SECTOR IN       how to deal with, and we have the flexibility to comply with,
                              THE USA?                      these local content regulations. This gives offshore wind                                                                                                      Explainer: the Jones Act
                              Daan: Wind, of course, is the   developers wanting to use the same vessel designs that have                                                                                                  Otherwise known as the Merchant
                              key driver. To this end, the   proved themselves in the European market a lot of chances.                                                                                                    Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act is
                              East Coast of the United States                                                                                                                                                              a United States federal statute that
                              is a prime location for the   WHAT VESSELS CAN DAMEN OFFER THE AMERICAN                                                                                                                      serves to promote and maintain the
                              development of offshore wind   OFFSHORE WIND INDUSTRY?                                                                                                                                       American merchant navy. It states
                              farms. Average wind speeds    David: For all the types of vessel required – for construction,                                                                                                that all goods transported by water
      are the most relevant: from North Carolina all the way up to   crew transfer, cable-lay, operations and maintenance tasks –                                                                                          between United States ports must
      Newfoundland, winds speeds increase the further north you   the Damen portfolio has proven solutions.                                                                                                                be carried on US flagged vessels that
      go. Furthermore, the northern states of the Eastern Coast                                                                                                                                                            have been constructed in the US, and
     –  Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut   –   Daan: It is also important to emphasise that we are adjusting                                                                                          owned and crewed by US citizens.
      are also among the most densely populated and require a   our designs to meet the American regulations of ABS and the
      large amount of energy. In terms of energy production and   US Coast Guard. Listening to specific regulations such as the
      supply, therefore, offshore wind has great potential.  Right Whales Act in the north-eastern region is also key for
                                                            our approach. Furthermore we are introducing our European
      David: It is also politically driven. Most of the north-eastern   clients to the US market. This can be seen as ‘matchmaking’
      states are Democratic and have clear green strategies. Most   key stakeholders from Europe such as operators like Orsted
      notably, however, we have seen no slow-down since Trump   and suppliers such as Vestas and Siemens to local operators.
      has been in office as the White House has limited influence
      on the developments in the offshore wind industry.
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