Page 37 - Damen Shipyards Group
P. 37

36  SUSTAINABILITY SPECIAL  CHARGING PIN                                 TRANSFORMER IN THE WORKS                       37
                                                                          At the point at which construction of the fi ve vessels was
                                                                          almost ready to begin, a change in requirements was
                                                                          announced. Movia wanted to extend its ferry route by an
                                                                          additional four stops, increasing the length of the route
                                                                          by roughly 50% and taking the ferries into Copenhagen’s
 AUTO-MOORING                                                             port area,” explains sales manager Martin. As part of the
                                                                          expansion, two additional vessels were requested from

                                                                         The route extension signifi cantly impacted the scope of the
                                                                          project, affecting the duration of each route, the power
                                                                          demands on each vessel, and the charging facilities installed
                                                                          to supply that power. We investigated ten scenarios for a fully-
                                                                          integrated solution to the route extension, ultimately deciding
                                                                          the project expansion required an innovative charging solution
                                                                          to be installed at the port area terminal,” Martin states.

                                                                          Stronger weather conditions, producing a larger wave impact
                                                                          in the port area, affects movement of the ferries at the jetty,
                                                                          which must therefore be secured in order to access the
                                                                          charging system. Damen’s solution to this challenge was to
                                                                          develop an auto-mooring system that controls the motion
                                                                          of the vessel and secures it to the jetty as its batteries are
                                                                          charging. This solution largely increases the safety around the
                                                                          integral system.

                                                                         The auto-mooring system was designed and engineered
                                                                          in collaboration with Damen’s Winch Department. The
                                                                          development of this mechanical system required the
                                                                          measurement of wave dynamics and calculation of the forces
 POWERING UP  As the vessels dock bow-fi rst,   During development of the charging solution,   involved in vessel turbulence in order to produce a secure
 The charging and operation of the   engineers realised a drive-on   engineers used a hardware in the loop (HIL)   mechanism. With no pre-existing solution available on the
 ferries is a total integrated solution   charging system would much better   process to run tests on how it would perform in   market, the bespoke system was developed in-house by
 provided by Damen. In the earlier   suit the vessels than a connection   operation under various conditions.   Damen and is currently being adapted for use in similar
 operation under various conditions.
 stages of the project, Damen acted   lowered from above. In a new system   electrical propulsion projects with future clients.
 as a consultant for a full ship and   developed in-house, Damen installed   The team then used software to construct a
 The team then used software to construct a
 shore solution to the ferry service,   a charging point in the bow of the   digital model of the vessel, and conducted test   In addition to the vessel security, Damen adapted the
 digital model of the vessel, and conducted test
 considering the requirements of the   vessel and created an automated   runs on the computer in order to tailor battery   charging process to cope with the higher demands of an
 runs on the computer in order to tailor battery
 management software that keeps track of charge
 project and proposing a balanced   charging system based on the jetty   management software that keeps track of charge   extended route. Damen increased the battery charging
 and release performance.
 solution to meet each of the criteria.   and connected to the on-shore power   and release performance.  capacity from 450kW to 600kW per charger, to supply each
 Damen Civil was able to analyse the   source. In this system, the vessel can   vessel with the power it needs to complete the route –
 physical capabilities and limitations   drive onto the charging pin bow-fi rst,   including in the case of one charging point being temporarily
 of Copenhagen’s jetty route in order   automated fast-charging replenishes   disabled – accounting for further redundancy in the system.
 to determine the optimal solution for   the battery power in around seven   REDUNDANT   AUTOMATED
 the project.  minutes, and the vessel is then able   SWITCHBOARDS  CHARGING SYSTEM  Damen will deliver the fi rst fi ve vessels according to contract, and
 to reverse straight off the pin and                                      the two additional vessels will be ready for delivery in May 2020.
 begin its route.                                                        The charging point system is close to completion, and Damen
                                                                          looks forward to the beginning of its operation. Proud of the
                                                                          interdepartmental collaboration displayed throughout, Damen
                                                                          regards this project as an excellent showcase of its engineers’
                                                                          entrepreneurial capacity and vision. “Based on large-scale,
                                                                          complex projects such as this, the development of Damen’s
                                                                          role beyond that of a shipbuilder towards that of a full solution
                                                                          integrator goes from strength to strength,” Martin concludes.

                                                                          LOOKING BACK TO THE FUTURE
 BOW THRUSTER                                                            To enable operators to track and analyse the
                                                                          performance of this complex system in action, Damen
                                                                          can install remote monitoring capabilities on all of the
 CONTROL AT                                                               vessels, informed by a network of on-board sensors.
 CONSOLE                                                                  Damen’s Remote Monitoring Department is able to
                                                                          set up personalised dashboards for every employee,
                                                                          tracking a variety of factors from battery lifecycle to
                                                                          sailing patterns to swell dynamics. Through access to
                                                                          this data, clients can track the performance of their
                                                                          vessels. Similarly, Damen is able to use this remote
                                                                          monitoring capability to identify potential areas for
 PROVEN SHAFT LINE DESIGN                                                 improvement and use the data to inform future projects.
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