Page 49 - Webinar voor varkenshouders
P. 49

Monthly pig meat price in Romania and Germany

          §   Market prices for slaughter pigs shows the same pattern in Romania and Germany to a large extent. Prices are also on a comparable level
          §   The German market is a reference for price setting
          §   The meat industry typically makes no differentiation in the payment for carcass quality
          §   No quality assurance systems are in place (like the Dutch IKB system or the German QS system)


            weight)  180

          price  carcass  140

          Pig  120
            (EUR/kg  100


                Source: EC, Market Prices Animal Products (2019)
                                                                Romania            Germany

                                       Meat production  ASF  National potential  Regional potential  Conclusions  References  Contact  Annex 1  Annex 2  Annex 3  Annex 4  10
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54