Page 3 - ING-Waterproblematiek Report
P. 3

<< summary

Agriculture top water user at a global level

Water is everywhere but freshwater is not                        Global freshwater use                                                                            Total use approx. 3,500
The importance of water is unquestioned. There is no life        (% of total water usage)                                                                         billion m3 per annum
without water and trends such as global warming and an
increasing world population put water at the forefront.                   Agriculture                  Industrial              Municipal
Water, for example, is a key pillar in the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. The World Economic Forum identified                     67%                           21%                     12%
water supply crises as one of the top risks with the highest
impact on the planet in the 21st century.                        Agricultural                             Industrial                Municipal

At first glance, water is seemingly abundant with oceans         18                                                    0,4                      2                  US/Canada
and seas accounting for 97.5% of water. This leaves                                                                                                      17        Europe
freshwater, which is vital for life and used in many industrial      5                                 30 35                                                       MENA
processes, accounting for only 2.5% of the global water                   9                                                    46 17                               Latam
supply. Of this 2.5%, the majority is held in ice and glaciers                                          4,5                                                    5    Asia & Oceania
and not readily available. Only groundwater and surface &                                           8      2                                                        Sub-Saharan Africa
atmospheric water can be obtained easily, and even then, it      65                                                    26                            11
is not possible to reach a large proportion of groundwater.
All in all, an estimated 0.1% of the water on earth can be
obtained as freshwater.

Globally, agriculture currently consumes the most
Approximately 3,500 billion m3 of water globally is
withdrawn every year from the fresh water resources. Most
of this water (67%) is used in agriculture, mainly for
irrigation purposes, while 21% is used for industrial purposes
and 12% for municipal usage.

                                                                      Asia accounts for                US, Canada and Europe   Populated Asia accounts for
                                                                 ­two-thirds of agricultural             account for 60% of      for almost half of global
                                                                                                         industrial water use       municipal water use
                                                                           water use
                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: ING calculations, based on Aquastat.

ING Economics Department                                                                               3 Too little, too much  /  December 2015
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