Page 14 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 14

        14 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        Transfer pricing                    What are the consequences           When a transfer pricing study is
        disclosure overview                 of failure to prepare or submit     prepared, should its content follow
                                            disclosures?                        Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?
        Are disclosures related to transfer   Failure to prepare and submit     Yes. Please note that there are no offcial
        pricing required to be prepared or   disclosures may result in the RS  tax   guidelines or developed practice on this
        submitted to the revenue authority   authority challenging transactions   subject. However, OECD Guidelines
        on an annual basis (e.g. with the   between related parties.            are commonly used as an underlying
        tax return)?                                                            template for the preparation of the
        The RS CPT Law requires a taxpayer   Transfer pricing study             transfer pricing study.
        to separately disclose in the annual tax   overview                     Does the tax authority require an
        return transfer prices for transactions                                 advisor/tax practitioner to have
        with related parties and market prices   Is preparation of a transfer pricing   specifc designation in order
        for such transactions. The tax base is   study required  i.e. can the   to prepare or submit a transfer
        adjusted for the difference between   taxpayer be penalized for mere    pricing study?
        transfer prices and the prices which   failure to prepare a study?
        would have occurred if the transactions   No.                           No.
        were at arms length. There is no
        guidance on how the market price    Other than complying with a         Transfer pricing methods
        should be determined (information on   requirement per the previous
        available methods follows), and there is   question, describe the benefts, if   Are transfer pricing methods
        no developed practice to rely on.   any, of preparing and maintaining   outlined in Chapter II of the
                                            a transfer pricing study?           OECD Guidelines acceptable?
        The RS CPT Law prescribes that a    Although it is not a legal requirement   Yes, with some exceptions. In
        taxpayer must submit information on   to prepare a transfer pricing study, in   accordance with the RS CPT Law,
        related parties and business relations   practice, it is strongly recommended. If   acceptable methods are CUP, resale
        with the tax return. What types of   the transfer pricing study is timely and   price method, net proft, cost plus
        transfer pricing information must be   correctly prepared, it shifts the burden   gross proft and proft split method.
                                            of proof to the RS tax authority and can   Is there a priority among the
        The taxpayer must submit information   provide penalty protection.      acceptable methods?
        on related parties and business relations,
        such as legal status and business   To satisfy the requirement and/or   CUP is the preferred method.
        activities of a taxpayer and characteristics   obtain the benefts, are there any   If there is no priority of methods,
        of these activities; identifcation of   requirements on when the transfer   is there a best method rule?
        transactions between related parties,   pricing study must be prepared and
        i.e. the volume and conditions under   submitted?                       Not applicable.
        which transactions have been conducted   There are no requirements or offcial
        in the last 5 years; list of activities   guidelines, but if a taxpayer chooses   Transfer pricing audit
        and information on business partners   to prepare a transfer pricing study, it   and penalties
        relevant for the transactions; description   should be prepared by the time the
        of transfer pricing method used. This   annual corporate proft tax return is   When the tax authority requests
        information is provided along with the   submitted (i.e. by 31 March of the   a taxpayer s transfer pricing
        annual tax return.                  current year, for the previous year).  documentation, how long does
                                                                                the taxpayer have to submit its
                                                                                There are no provisions that require
                                                                                transfer pricing documentation (other
                                                                                than information prescribed by the

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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