Page 17 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 17

                                                                                                        Bulgaria | 17


                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Bulgaria

                                         Bulgarian taxpayers increasingly seek to prepare transfer pricing documentation
                                        or localize their group-level masterfles in order to mitigate the tax risk associated
                                       with related party transactions.
                                      Tax authorities are showing increased interest in the topic and in recent years
                                     KPMG in Bulgaria has observed several material tax audit assessments related
                                    to transfer pricing.

                                   The Bulgarian tax authorities currently do not have access to the Amadeus database
                                  and their transfer pricing efforts are mainly focused on:

                                    scrutinizing available transfer pricing documentation
                                   exploring potential internal comparables

                                  obtaining comparable data from competitors of the taxpayer.
                              The preparation of transfer pricing documentation therefore provides the taxpayer with
                             a relatively strong defense for the price levels of its related party transactions.

        Basic information                   corporate income tax and, in limited   Effective date of transfer pricing
                                            cases, for VAT purposes. As a result   rules
        Tax authority name                  of these adjustments, an additional   Detailed transfer pricing rules were frst
        The tax authority in Bulgaria is the   10 percent corporate income tax and in   introduced through Ordinance N-9 of
        National Revenue Agency at the Ministry   certain cases, a negative VAT effect of   14 August 2006.
        of Finance. The National Revenue    20 percent may apply.
        Agency reviews transfer pricing issues in                               What is the relationship threshold
        the course of ordinary tax audits.   Further, the difference between related   for transfer pricing rules to apply
                                            party transaction prices and market levels   between parties?
        Citation for transfer pricing rules  may be classifed as hidden distribution   The TSSPC sets a threshold of direct
        The transfer pricing legislation in Bulgaria   of profts. In such cases, a 20 percent   ownership of 5 percent of the capital of a
        is contained in:                    administrative penalty and 5 percent
                                            withholding tax may be applied.     company. Other criteria for related parties
           Article 15 of the Corporate                                          also apply, including common directors,
          Income Tax Act                    Taxpayers are liable to prove to the   ability to exersise control, etc.
                                            authorities that their transactions are
           Article 27, paragraph 3 of the VAT Act  performed under market conditions.   What is the statute of limitations
                                            If they are unable to do so, the tax   on assessment of transfer pricing
           Article 116 of the Tax and Social
          Security Procedure Code (TSSPC)   authorities are allowed to establish a   adjustments?
                                            respective market price and adjust the   The general statute of limitations for
           Ordinance N-9 of 14.08.2006 on   taxable base to it.                 tax liabilities is 5 years from 1 January
          the application of transfer pricing                                   of the year following the year when the
          methods.                          In 2010 a transfer pricing Manual   tax was payable (i.e. when the corporate
                                            was published by the tax authorities,
        Under the rules set out in the legislation,   containing guidance on transfer pricing   tax return was fled). For example, the
        if related parties perform transactions   issues. The Manual is generally based   statute of limitations for 2007 expires at
        at prices different from market levels,   on the 2009 OECD Guidelines and the   the end of 2013.
        the taxable base may be adjusted    EU Transfer Pricing Code of Conduct.
        to market prices. This applies for

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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