Page 6 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        6 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        of shifting the burden of proof to the   the CUP method. In case CUP cannot   under the Albanian Law  On Tax
        tax authorities. By preparing transfer   be applied in practice, other alternative   Procedures, there is a potential penalty
        pricing documentation, taxpayers may   methods like resale price method and   which arises in case of incorrect
        mitigate the risk of additional tax and   cost plus method can be used, or in   completion of a tax return. In practice it is
        administrative penalty liabilities.  case of complex business situations   not clear whether this penalty may apply
                                            that can create practical diffculties in   in case of a transfer pricing review as
        To satisfy the requirement and/or   applying these methods, or when there   there are no practical cases in which tax
        obtain the benefts, are there any   are no suffcient data available to apply   authorities may have initiated a transfer
        requirements on when the transfer   one of the abovementioned methods,   pricing review. This penalty varies from
        pricing study must be prepared and   then other methods as presented in the   5 percent to 25 percent of the assessed
        submitted?                          1995 Transfer Pricing Instruction of the   additional tax liability.
        No specifc requirements exist.      OECD can be used.
                                                                                To what extent are transfer pricing
        When a transfer pricing study is    If there is no priority of methods, is   penalties enforced?
        prepared, should its content follow   there a best method rule?         No relevant practice has been observed.
        Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?   Not applicable.
        Although Albania is not a member of the                                 What defenses are available with
        OECD, according to the current wording   Transfer pricing audit         respect to penalties?
        of the local regulations, the Albanian tax                              Normal procedures of administrative
        authorities should follow the guidelines   and penalties                appeal and court appeal apply also in
        as published in the OECD commentary   When the tax authority requests   case of transfer pricing adjustments.
        of 1995.                            a taxpayer s transfer pricing
                                            documentation, how long does        What trends are being observed
        Does the tax authority require an   the taxpayer have to submit its     currently?
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    documentation?                      Recently the Albanian tax authorities
        specifc designation in order to                                         are becoming more aware of transfer
        prepare or submit a transfer pricing   No particular transfer pricing   pricing issues and, in general, more often
        study?                              documentation is specifed by law,   transfer pricing questions arise during
                                            therefore no particular terms apply.
        No.                                                                     their tax audits or during double tax
                                            If an adjustment is proposed by the   treaty application requests.
        Transfer pricing methods            tax authority, are dispute resolution
                                            options available to the taxpayer   Special considerations
        Are transfer pricing methods        outside of competent authority?
        outlined in Chapter II of the OECD   Adjustments assessed by the tax    Are secret comparables used by tax
        Guidelines acceptable?                                                  authorities?
                                            authorities must be applied and then
        Yes, however please note that only   the taxpayer has an option to appeal to   In practice tax authorities may use
        the traditional methods are prescribed   the second instance degree procedure   comparables which are not publicly
        by the regulation, i.e. the comparable   with the tax authorities, or fnally to the   available.
        uncontrolled price method (CUP), resale   administrative court.
        price method and cost plus method.                                      Is there a preference, or
                                            If an adjustment is sustained, can   requirement, by the tax authorities
        Is there a priority among the       penalties be assessed? If so, what   for local comparables in a
        acceptable methods?                 rates are applied and under what    benchmarking set?
        The primary method to be used by the   conditions?                      Yes, the Albanian tax authorities show
        Albanian tax authorities when evaluating   No specifc penalties are defned in the   preference for local comparables in a
        the price of a transaction between   Albanian Tax Law for underpayment of   benchmark set.
        related parties should be, if possible,   tax due to transfer pricing. However,

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