Page 7 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 7

                                                                                                         Albania | 7

        Do tax authorities have             Tax treaty/double tax               Does the tax authority publish APA
        requirements or preferences         resolution                          data, either in the form of an annual
        regarding databases for                                                 report or through the disclosure of
        comparables?                        What is the extent of the double tax   data in public forums?
        No.                                 treaty network?                     Not applicable.
                                            Currently, there are 34 double tax treaties
        What level of interaction do tax    in force signed between Albania and   Please provide some information
        authorities have with customs       other countries.                    on how successful the APA program
        authorities?                                                            is and whether there are any known
        Interaction between tax and customs   If extensive, is the competent    diffculties?
        authorities regarding VAT is high.   authority effective in obtaining   Not applicable.
        However, it is not possible to estimate   double tax relief?
        the level of interaction regarding transfer   Not applicable.           Language
                                            When may a taxpayer submit an       In which language or languages can
        Are management fees deductible?     adjustment to competent authority?  documentation be fled?
        Generally, yes. Please note that non-  There are no specifc transfer pricing   Albanian.
        documented costs are non deductible,   rules. Based on the general provisions
        as are costs that are not incurred for   of the Albanian tax law, the adjusted
        business purposes.                  tax declaration should be submitted
                                            within 12 months from the deadline of
        Are management fees subject to      submission of the frst tax declaration.
        Yes, 10 percent withholding tax may   May a taxpayer go to a competent
        apply, unless there is a double tax treaty   authority before paying tax?
        between Albania and the country of the   No formal rules exist regarding this.
        benefcial owner of the income.
                                            Advance pricing
        Are year-end transfer pricing
        adjustments permitted?              arrangement
        No relevant practice has been observed.  What APA options are available, if
        Other unique attributes?
                                            The law provides the possibility for the
        Not applicable.                     tax authorities to enter into an APA with
                                            taxpayers or tax authorities in other
        Other recent                        countries. However, no APA has been
        developments                        implemented in practice up to now.
        The Albanian General Tax Directorate   Is there a fling fee for APAs?
        is creating a special unit which shall   No.
        specialize in transfer pricing issues.
        However, the project is in the initial

                                                                                 KPMG in Albania

                                                                                 Arkadiusz Mierzejewski
                                                                                 Tel: +359 2 9697 700

                                                                                 As email addresses and phone numbers
                                                                                 change frequently, please email us at
                                                                        if you are unable
                                                                                 to contact us via the information noted above.
        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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