Page 8 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        8 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review


                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Belarus

                                         Light transfer pricing regulations went into force in Belarus effective from 2012.
                                        Now, the Belarusian tax code contains a procedure for adjustments for tax
                                       purposes to the prices of sold or purchased goods and of sold fxed assets.

        Basic information                   The above adjustments are made if they   the existence of relations between these
                                            lead to an increase in CPT. In any case,   persons did not affect the outcome of
        Tax authority name                  the Belarusian company is not required   such transactions.
        Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the   to change the price to its market value for
        Republic of Belarus/Мiнiстэрства па   any other purposes.               Method of the value of subsequent sale:
        падатках i зборах Рэспублiкi Беларусь                                   The market price of goods sold by the
                                            Tax base determination on the basis of   taxpayer is defned as the difference
        Citation for transfer pricing rules  the market price for goods is performed   between the price at which the goods are
                                            using of the following methods:     resold by the buyer, and the costs incurred
        Article 30-1 of the Tax Code of the
        Republic of Belarus (which came into     method of the value of transaction   by this buyer at the resale, promotion of
        force on 1 January 2012) is as follows:  with the identical (homogeneous)   goods to the market and usual proft of the
                                                                                buyer of goods upon further resale.
        The tax authority has the right to make a
        decision on adjustment of the tax base for     method of the value of subsequent   Cost method:
        Corporate Proft Tax (CPT) and recalculation   sale;                     The market price of goods sold by the
        of tax so as if the results of transactions                             taxpayer is defned as the amount of
        were recorded by the taxpayer based on     cost method.                 costs incurred and proft (proftability)
        market prices for the corresponding goods   Each subsequent method is used if   typical for a taxpayer s activity.
        in the following cases:             the market price of goods cannot be   Effective date of transfer pricing
                                            determined by application of the previous
           Export/import of goods. Adjustments   method.                        rules
          may be applied if goods in the amount                                 1 January 2012
          of more than BYR60 billion are sold   Method of the value of transaction with
          during a calendar year between    the identical (homogeneous) goods:   What is the relationship threshold
          Belarusian and a specifc foreign   This method involves comparison of the   for transfer pricing rules to apply
          company (which may be related party   price applied in the transaction under   between parties?
          or not) AND applied prices deviate from   analysis, with the prices of identical (in   The relationship threshold is not
          market prices by more than 20 percent;  their absence  homogeneous) goods   applicable. Annual turnover between the
           Sale of immovable property if the   in comparable economic conditions that   parties is a measure of the use of price
          transaction price deviates by more   are within the range of market prices. Tax   adjustments.
          than 20 percent from the market   authorities take into account transactions   What is the statute of limitations
          price at the date of property disposal.  between persons who are not mutually
                                            dependent. Transactions between     on assessment of transfer pricing
                                            mutually dependent persons may be   adjustments?
                                            taken into account only in cases where   Not applicable.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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