Page 110 - Damen Shipyards Group
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110    MARKET FOCUS | ROPAX                                                                                                                                                                                                                          111
                                                                                                                                       FINANCING FERRIES
                                                                                                                                       Damen Customer Finance, together with the customer, aims to fi nd
                                                                                                                                       the most suitable fi nancing solution. A large, complex vessel like a
                                                                                                                                       RoRo or RoPax vessel is a capitally-intensive project, for which the
                                                                                                                                       correct fi nancing approach can make all the difference, whether
                                                                                                                                       it is related to a promising business model or is supported by a
                                                                                                                                       government entity. To that end, Damen closely cooperates with
                                                                                                                                       Atradius Dutch State Business, the Export Credit Agency of the       “ WE’ VE OVER 40 YE ARS’ E XPERIENCE IN
                                                                                                                                       Netherlands with an AAA-rating. It should ease discussions to fi nd a   ENABLING OUR CLIENTS TO ARR ANGE
                                                                                                                                       fi nancing solution that is benefi cial to the client’s needs.          AT TR AC TIVE, TAILORED FINANCING
                                                                                                                                       For the RoPax market, Damen has assigned Customer Finance               PACK AGES. DURING THAT TIME WE
                                                                                                                                       manager Herman van Bueren to support clients. “We’ve over 40            HAVE DEVELOPED LONG -STANDING
                                                                                                                                       years’ experience in enabling our clients to arrange attractive,       REL ATIONSHIPS WITH NATIONAL AND
                                                                                                                                       tailored fi nancing packages. During that time we have developed       INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANKS,
                                                                                                                                       long-standing relationships with national and international           E XPORT CREDIT INSURERS, INVESTORS
                                                                                                                                       commercial banks, export credit agencies, investors and multilateral    AND MULTIL ATER AL INSTITUTIONS.”

                                                                                                                                       Herman’s outlook is very positive. “The current legislative climate
                                                                                                                                       is favourable for the fi nancing of sustainable vessels,” he says. “As
                                                                                                                                       Damen applies its expertise in sustainability to the propulsion of
                                                                                                                                       Damen applies its expertise in sustainability to the propulsion of
                                                                                                                                       its RoPax vessels, this encourages more favourable terms from
                                                                                                                                       its RoPax vessels, this encourages more favourable terms from
                                                                                                                                       fi nanciers, and the benefi ts end up in the pockets of the clients.”
                                                                                                                                       fi nanciers, and the benefi ts end up in the pockets of the clients.”

                                                                                                                                       DANISH - DUTCH DESIGN DUO
                                                                   ROPA X AND RORO REPAIR AND SERVICES                                 DANISH - DUTCH DESIGN DUO
                   “IN ORDER TO QUICKLY AND                        Damen has served the RoPax and RoRo market previously,              Via Damen Shipyards Group member, Denmark-based KNUD E.
                                                                                                                                       Via Damen Shipyards Group member, Denmark-based KNUD E.
             EFFEC TIVELY ESTABLISH A PRESENCE IN                  having constructed vessels upwards of 100 metres on numerous        HANSEN, Damen is able to offer a design team well versed in such
             THE MARKETPL ACE, WE’ VE ASSIGNED A                   occasions at Damen Shipyards Galați, in Romania. Additionally, the   vessels. KNUD E. HANSEN has extensive experience in the design of
              TE AM TO QUICKLY BUILD A NET WORK                    shipyards group operated numerous, strategically-located ship       RoPax vessels.
                  AND A KNOWLEDGE BASE . THE                       repair yards from which is already serves the RoPax and RoRo                                                                    R&D
              DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUPPORTED BY                      market with repair and maintenance services.                        Damen’s relationship with the accomplished design company goes   Damen participates in numerous R&D and innovation programmes,
               DAMEN’S GLOBAL INFR ASTRUC TURE,                                                                                        back a number of years, and has borne products from numerous   both in-house and in collaboration with industry partners. Amongst
               SYNERGISING KNOWLEDGE WITHIN                        “Many of our repair yards are ideally situated to serve our clients’   collaborations such as Ice Class ferries for the Canadian government.   these programmes are several that aim at innovating for the RoRo
               THE DAMEN GROUP AND THE WIDER                       requirements,” says Chiel. “Damen Shiprepair Dunkerque and          The acquisition of the yard in Mangalia offers both parties the   and RoPax segment.
                    SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY.”                        Damen Shiprepair Brest sit close to cross-channel ferry routes, for   chance to collaborate on larger vessels, in which KNUD E. HANSEN’s
                                                                   example, while Damen Verolme Rotterdam, Damen Shiprepair            experience and expertise will play a vital role.            This includes, for example, the steps Damen is taking towards greater
                                                                   Rotterdam and Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam are well located for                                                                   sustainability in the maritime industry. Increasing environmental
                                                                   North Sea services.                                                 “KNUD E. HANSEN has a long track record in providing newbuild as   awareness, combined with increasingly stringent regulations is a
          “To meet the demands of the work, the RoPax Product                                                                          well as refi t designs to all sectors of the maritime industry, but it is   further stimulus for new ferries. To these ends, Damen is working
           Management Team, responsible for product development, is   “Backed up by our Harbour & Voyage Repair team and our           most renowned for its work on passenger vessels,” says Chiel. “We   towards several solutions, across a broad spectrum, including
           rapidly growing, drawing talent from many countries including   international network of Service Hubs, along with globally   are very fortunate to have such an experienced player as our partner   ballast water treatment systems, an air cavitation system, emissions
          Spain, Argentina and Finland,” says Huib.                available service engineers, we are confi dently able to offer      for this new venture.”                                      scrubbers, electric and LNG propulsions systems.
                                                                   support to our clients, wherever they are in the world at whatever
          The complex process of product development comprises myriad   stage of their vessels’ lifecycle.”                                                                                        Damen is also working on remote monitoring, by which condition-
           input streams such as mobilisation of internal departments on                                                                    “BACKED UP BY OUR HARBOUR & VOYAGE                     based maintenance can be carried out to ensure maximum uptime.
           Research and Development, external validation of designs, project                                                                 REPAIR TE AM AND OUR INTERNATIONAL                    Furthermore, studying AIS information contributes to developing the
           planning and coordination, support of the whole tender process,                                                                  NET WORK OF SERVICE HUBS, ALONG WITH                   most effi cient design as well as effi cient sailing, further increasing
          and production of cost-price calculations. The team is in direct                                                               GLOBALLY AVAIL ABLE SERVICE ENGINEERS, WE                 sustainability.
          contact with the shipyard in Mangalia and with suppliers around                                                                  ARE CONFIDENTLY ABLE TO OFFER SUPPORT
           the world, developing the most technically appropriate proposal                                                                  TO OUR CLIENTS, WHEREVER THE Y ARE IN                  The shipyard group’s work with hardware in the loop (HIL) has already
           to create the most effi cient product defi nition tailored to the                                                               THE WORLD AT WHATEVER STAGE OF THEIR                    demonstrated its effectiveness in different sectors, including offshore,
           requirements of each client for each specifi c route.                                                                                       VESSEL S’ LIFECYCLE .”                      allowing testing to take place digitally before investment in real world
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