Page 95 - Damen Shipyards Group
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94  SAFETY | WELFARE IN THE SPOTLIGHT                                                                                   95


 While the first part of this article has highlighted the   Technical crews  Research cooperation  Seamless movement
 importance of ensuring high standards of safety and well-  Damen’s range of Fast Crew Suppliers has recently been   “Comfort is a key topic for the offshore majors because   On arrival at an offshore platform, the passenger
 being of a ship’s crew, it must also be stated that there is   expanded to include the FCS 7011, a vessel designed   they have to compete with each other to attract skilled   disembarkation process also exhibits methods to maximise
 another category of people that come into contact with a   carry up to 150 offshore personnel at speeds of up to 40   personnel. As such, we have invested in a huge amount of   safety and well-being. First of all, he says, the FCS 7011
 vessel. These are passengers, and Damen has numerous   knots. “In making the basic design requirements for the FCS   research into this vessel in order to meet their needs. This   is equipped with a gyroscope to stop vessel roll when
 vessels in its portfolio that take on the job of transporting   7011, safety and speed were number one, but comfort was   has also included cooperation with TNO [the Netherlands   positioned adjacent to the platform. “And then there is the
 passengers from A to B.   closely associated,” says David. “This was because of motion   Organisation for applied scientific research].”  motion compensated personnel gangway, an Ampelmann
 sickness. We have to make sure that technical crews feel      S-type, specifically designed for this vessel to create a
 These includes ferries and water buses for the public   physically well when they are on board.”  A bullet point list of the results of this research would   seamless flow of passenger movement.”
 transport sector, as well as Fast Crew Suppliers from   contain several items relating to the physical characteristics
 twelve to 50 metres that transport technical crews to their   The FCS 7011 has been developed in response to a   of the vessel. “Comfortable, fully-reclining seats and   David’s conclusion is tellingly similar to André’s, and
 offshore workplace. Here, director business development &   requirement from offshore oil & gas  companies. They need   mid-ships accommodation, combined with an optimised   is clearly a major reason for Damen’s success over the
 market intelligence David Stibbe discusses how the welfare   a vessel to transport technical crews to offshore installations   hull form to eliminate slamming and minimise vertical   decades. “All the key components of this vessel have been
 of these technical crews has impacted the design and   such as FPSOs and semi-submersible production platforms.   accelerations,” David explains. “This is in addition to good   aligned early in the design process,” he says. “The end
 layout of the Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 7011.  These platforms are generally beyond the boundaries of   air circulation and large windows with plenty of natural   result is a fully integrated solution.”
 the continental shelves, and therefore journeys of up to 150   light.”
 nautical miles, taking five hours are not unheard of.
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