Page 12 - Elderly care and housing demand in the EU
P. 12

Ranking 4: Care and home support potential

       2.5 Belgian and Romanian care and support potential the highest

       Private payments dominant in European elderly care  Elderly in countries with less home support are more   potential for home support and elderly care by
       Our survey shows that in most countries elderly people   interested in paying for support services  combining the survey outcomes, for they each have
       pay their care and home support largely or entirely   Home support services can be essential to an   predictive power for demand potential in the near
       themselves. This is most common in Romania, Italy,   independent elderly life. The results of our survey   future. We do so by averaging the country rankings on:
       Spain and Poland.                                 suggest that seniors in countries with less home   1. the extent to which consumption of professional
       Large government payments are most common in the   support are more interested in paying for support   elderly care is already a broadly accepted phenomenon
       Netherlands and Germany, followed by France, Austria   services. The Romanians, Austians, Czechs and Germans   (1 graph on previous page), 2. the relative importance
       and the United Kingdom. Government payments often   are the most interested, probably because they receive   that elderly people attach to care and support expenses
       come with restrictions for care providers, especially   relatively little home support at present.  (2 nd  and 3 graph on previous page), 3. the share of
       when public funds are distributed to care providers                                                private payments for these services (1 graph below), 4.
       rather than care recipients. This makes it less attractive   Belgium and Romania top the care ranking  the interest in home support at a later age (2 nd  graph
       for providers to enter the market.                We have compiled the ranking on consumption      below). Belgium and Romania top this ranking.

         Dutch elderly have low out-of-pocket expenses    Romanians most interested in paying for support  Consumption potential for care and home support
         Survey question: How are the costs of household help   Survey question: In which home support service might you   highest in Belgium and Romania
         and/or physical care of your oldest parent covered?  be interested paying for when you are 75 years of age or   Ranking 4: Care and home support potential
         Rom                 95%               3%
          Ita               92%               5%           Rom                                  266%
         Spa                91%               5%            Aus                              239%             Relatively high
          Pol               89%               8%            Cze                            226%               #1 - #3
          Bel              83%              9%              Ger                            219%               Medium             5
                                                            Bel                           215%                              11              7
         Cze              81%              13%              Pol                          208%                 #4 - #7           1    8
          UK             75%              19%                Ita                      182%                    Relatively low            10
                                                                                                              #8 - #11
         Aus             73%              20%               Net                       179%                                               5
          Fra            72%              23%               UK                       172%                                      8                 2
         Ger           63%              32%                 Spa                     165%                                             3
         Net        50%             38%                     Fra                     164%
                                                                   Cleaning                                              4
                Largely or completely by themselves or by relatives  Meals
                Largely or completely by the government            Grocery service
                Do not know                                        Other (a.o. laundry, handyman, gardener)
        Source: ING Economics                             Source: ING Economics                            Source: ING Economics
                                                          *asked to respondents aged 50 to 75, up to four possible answers
        ING Economics Department                                              12                                 Elderly care and housing demand in the EU – May 2019
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