Page 17 - Elderly care and housing demand in the EU
P. 17

Overall ranking: Potential demand for elderly care and housing

       3.2 Demand potential present in all countries

       5. Austria: High incomes, promising demand        8. United Kingdom: High in senior housing        11. Czech Republic: Highest senior housing
       potential                                         and financials                                   potential of the CEE countries
       Ranking first on elderly income, Austria is also among   With the fourth largest elderly population, which will   Although the Czech Republic ranks the lowest overall,
       the top on potential demand for services for elderly   almost double in size the coming thirty years, the UK is   the growth of the elderly population is higher than the
       people. Austrian seniors in particular have a high   full of potential. Sound financial foundations ensure   EU average. The same goes for the expected growth in
       interest in home support services and senior housing.   that British seniors will be able to fulfill their substantial   elderly income. Furthermore, the Czechs leave the
       Until 2050, the number of Austrian elderly people will   appetite for quality senior housing.      Polish and the Romanians behind in senior housing
       grow at a relatively fast pace.                                                                    potential. A substantial proportion of Czech seniors,
                                                         9. Poland: Growing in seniors and                equal to roughly one in three, would consider moving to
       5. France: Demographically and financially        financials                                       senior housing with central care and home support.
       at the top                                        The size of Poland's population of elderly people is
       France has both sheer numbers and the financial   smaller than that of bigger countries and larger than
       capability to materialize potential demand. Many   that of smaller countries. However, in the next 30 years,   The Netherlands and Spain top the overall ranking
       French elderly people see care and home support as   the number of seniors here will increase at a faster rate
       essential expenses. Although they score relatively low   than in most larger countries. Senior housing is already   Overall ranking: Potential demand for elderly care and
       on senior housing potential, a quarter of the elderly   a widespread phenomenon in Poland, albeit most often
       would still consider moving to housing tailored to the   without any home support or care. Like the Polish
       elderly when the time is right.                   economy, the financial position of Polish elderly people   Relatively high
                                                                                                              #1 - #3
                                                         is gradually catching up to other countries.         Medium
       5. Germany: Big in numbers and income,                                                                 #4 - #7        8   1          9
       receptive to elderly housing                      10. Romania: Fastest financial growth, high          Relatively low    3    5
       Sharing the fifth position in our overall ranking with   potential demand for care and home support    #8 - #11                   11
       Austria and France, Germany has high potential    Romanian seniors have seen their financial position                   5         5        10
       demand for elderly care and home support and, in   improving much faster than their Eastern and Western                        4
       particular, for elderly housing. German seniors have   European counterparts. Although they are still behind,
       relatively high incomes. In 2050, the German elderly   the growth story will probably continue. Scoring lowest    2
       population will still be the largest elderly population in   on three sub-rankings, Romania’s potential demand for
       Europe.                                           elderly care and home support is strikingly high.

                                                                                                          Source: ING Economics
        ING Economics Department                                              17                                 Elderly care and housing demand in the EU – May 2019
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