Page 14 - Elderly care and housing demand in the EU
P. 14
Ranking 5: Senior housing potential
2.7 Housing potential highest among Dutch and Spanish elderly
Dutch and Italian elderly most quality-minded In relation to their high receptiveness for housing Dutch and Spanish seniors top the housing ranking
Majorities of both Dutch and Italian elderly people are options for the elderly, German and Austrian seniors are Ranking 5: Senior housing potential
willing to pay for premium quality accommodation if not very willing to pay for premium quality in general.
they cannot live at home. In all eleven countries, the This may be explained by the fact that on average,
proportion of people with this opinion is at least 25%. elderly Germans and Austrians are substantially less
wealthy when compared with their Western European Relatively high
#1 - #3
Dutch and Italians most willing to pay for quality Medium 4 1 9
#4 - #7
Survey question: Suppose you (if 65+)* or your parent(s)** Highest demand potential for senior housing in the Relatively low 3 5
could no longer live at home because of the need for #8 - #11 8
elderly care. Would you be both willing and able to pay Netherlands and Spain 10 6 11
extra, above average costs for a living environment of Seniors in Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands top 6
above average quality? the senior housing ranking. Seniors in Romania and
France come last in this ranking.
60% 2
40% We have compiled the ranking on consumption
potential for senior housing by combining the survey
20% 7% 7% outcomes, as each one has predictive power for
-2% Source: ING Economics
0% -8% -10% -13% -16% demand potential in the near future. We do so by
-20% -27% -29% -30% -30% averaging the country rankings on: 1. the extent to
which senior housing is already a broadly accepted
-40% phenomenon (1 graph on previous page), 2. the
-60% amount of people that would ever consider moving to
Net Ita Spa UK Bel Rom Fra Aus Cze Pol Ger housing tailored to the elderly (2 nd graph on previous
page), 3. their willingness and ability to pay for housing
Certainly or probably Certainly or probably not of above-average quality (graph on this page). The
Balance 'yes' / 'no' receptiveness for senior housing is given twice the
weight in the overall ranking for senior housing
Source: ING Economics potential, because it gives the most direct indication
*Asked to respondents aged 65+ who don't have any living parents
and don’t live in an elderly complex with support and/or care that people are open to the idea of actually moving to a
**Asked to respondents aged 55+ whose parent(s) is/are still alive and new housing environment.
don't live in a complex with support and/or care
ING Economics Department 14 Elderly care and housing demand in the EU – May 2019