Page 17 - Hempflax Nature wins!!
P. 17
Nature wins!
HempFlax hemp cultivation
Since the early nineties, hemp fibre has been a welcome addition to the standard peat
district cropping plan. The cultivation of hemp is characterised by low input and high yields.
No pesticides, insecticides and/or fungicides are used for the cultivation of hemp, and the
crop improves the soil structure. Organic manure is used to fertilise the crop and chemical
fertilisers are not necessary.
Perfectly legal
The cultivation of hemp is legal where the plants contain less than 0.2% THC. The hemp
must furthermore grow on agricultural land and the farmer is expected to provide further
information to the Ministry of Agriculture together with the combined report [meitelling].
The ministry occasionally monitors the THC content of hemp in the fields of HempFlax.
Recently cut HempFlax hemp Retting hemp