P. 49
Annex A: Health care strategy
The Romanian National Health Strategy 2014-2020: "Health for Prosperity" - community medical
assistance. Structure of the document subjects covered in detail (translation of table of contents, by
author report)
Strategic intervention area 1: "Public health"
1. Improving the health and nutrition of women and children;
1.1. Improving the health and nutrition of mother and child and reducing the risk of infant and
maternal death;
1.2. Reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, incidence of abortion and maternal
mortality through abortion;
2. Reducing morbidity and mortality through communicable diseases, their impact at the individual
and societal level;
2.1. Strengthen the capability of the national disease surveillance system for priority
communicable diseases, rapid alert and coordinated response;
2.2. Protect the health of the population against major diseases that may be
prevented by vaccination;
2.3. Reduce morbidity and mortality due to TB and maintain appropriate rates of screening
and therapeutic results;
2.4. Reducing the incidence of priority communicable diseases: HIV / AIDS and providing
patients with antiviral treatments;
2.5. Reducing the incidence of priority communicable diseases: hepatitis B and C and
ensuring patient access to antiviral treatments;
3. Decreasing the growth of morbidity and mortality by non-communicable diseases and reducing
their burden on the population through preventive national, regional and local health programs;
3.1. Increasing the role and effectiveness of health promotion in reducing the burden of
disease in the population in priority areas;
3.2. Reducing the burden of cancer in the population by detecting it in its starting phase and
reducing mortality in the medium to long-term through organized screening interventions;
3.3. Improving the mental health status of the population;
3.4. Protecting the health of the population against environmental risks;
3.5. Ensure access to diagnostic and/or treatment services for special pathologies;
Strategic intervention area 2: "Health services"
4. Ensure fair access for all citizens, especially vulnerable groups, to quality and cost-effective health
4.1. Development of community based services, integrated and comprehensive, mainly for the
rural population and vulnerable groups including Roma;
4.2. Increasing effectiveness and diversification of primary healthcare services;
4.3. Strengthen specialty ambulatory services to increase the number of diseases treated in
specialised ambulatory facilities reducing the burden of continued hospitalization;
4.4. Improving peoples access to emergency medical services through strengthening the
integrated emergency system and continuing its development;
4.5. Improving the performance and quality of health services through regionalization /
concentration of hospital care;
4.6. Increased access to quality services for rehabilitation, palliative care and long term care,
adapted to the demographic development of the population and the epidemiological
developments of morbidity;
4.7. Create a network of healthcare providers at the local, county and regional level;