P. 44

Chapter       6: Market entry and business culture

               6.1     Market entry

               Opportunities      in international business are an often used word. Romania has been described

               as         a country with an abundance of opportunities the land of endless commercial chances. If

               that     might have been true some years ago, it is not the case today. Today, market entry in

               Romania            is a matter of good deep market research, both desk research and field research.

               Realistically         it will take at least half a year before the first results will be visible, at least three

               field     visits and a budget of minimally 25,000 euro spent on travel and related as well as hours

               spent     on business development management.

               Corruption           is a significant problem in Romania. It is found in many branches of the

               government      and public institutions. It comes in many forms and shapes from a little “present”

               to         a nurse in the hospital to granting contracts to friends by politicians. For example the 3

               new     hospitals are at risk of corruption, construction contracts for the building might be

               granted       to “friends”. However, be prepared to encounter corruption in private sector

               companies          as well. Purchasing managers are sometimes willing to accept a higher price level

               when      they receive a bribe. This might only happen when purchasing is not done by the owner

               of     the company. Transparency is an indicator for the quality of a potential business partner.

               Often         a good start is the website. When it looks professional, lists fiscal numbers, bank details

               and         is at least bilingual, some basic criteria are met for reliability. A bilingual website shows

               openness         to potential partners from abroad.

               For     market entry there are three basic models in the healthcare sector.

                Strategy         Description                       Type        of product
                Distributor      Local    party that that takes your       Products     that circulate relatively quickly,

                                 product            in its assortment and sells       smaller    products with a relatively low

                                 it        in the local market. The      value    per product. The distributor needs

                                 distributor     has your product in   to    take them in stock and is not keen on

                                 stock.     One or more distributors are          a large investment in inventory.

                                 possible,     look at exclusivity and


                Agent            Local    party that sells but does not       Works     best for products that have a high

                                 have    stock of product. Usually      value    per product and are often made to

                                 works     for a commission.       order.

                Direct    sales     Sales     from your own office with       Can     work for all products, but requires a

                                 frequent     travel to the market.       lot        of time devoted to getting to know
                                                                   the    market.

               The     market entry strategy depends highly on the market proposition of the exporting

               company          as well as the Romanian market. Realise that a minimum requirement for success is

               that     some structural variables are in line with each other. In the Romanian price driven

               market,       it will be hard to get success with a high quality premium priced product. If a product

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