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has     additional functionalities, do not assume that a Romanian business will see the value,

               especially     when that value comes at a higher price. Even if the extra functionality reduces

               labour     cost, labour has a very different price in Romania than in The Netherlands.

               In     general, a local native partner works good, especially for a market with a great deal of

               government     regulations that are often ambiguous and only available in Romanian. To

               understand     and interpret these regulations and the local context it is very important to have

               local     experience and knowledge. Especially for the registration of medicines and medical

               devices       the ANMDM local support is important.

               6.2     Business culture

               When     discussing the business culture of a country it is inevitable to present generalisations of

                    a country and its people. On the one hand, these generalisations are a workable tool for non-

               natives,     they guide you in unfamiliar territory. On the other hand, they do not show the

               complexity   of a
                                   country and its people and can be perceived as an insult. When working with

               different     cultures be aware of the question: “Are THEY different or are YOU different?”

               Some     generalisations about Romanian (business) behaviour, compared to the Dutch:

                         1.  Romanians take everything personally, in The Netherlands you can have a ‘business

                      difference   of
                                     opinion’ that has no grave consequences for the interpersonal relation.

                      Such     concept does not exist in Romania.

                         2.  A personal relation with a business partner is essential to become successful. It takes

                      time   to

                                build up a trustful relation, don’t expect success to soon.

                         3.  Romanians have difficulty with uncertainty and ambiguity, resulting in strictly

                      following     rules, even if these rules don’t make sense. If Romanians become flexible

                      with     rules they might become too flexible (corruption, fraud). A middle ground where

                      you     bend the rules a bit in a practical way without breaching the rights of others is

                      difficult     for Romanians.

                         4.  Romanians are very expressive in communication and describe experiences in

                                      something is good or bad – there is no middle way. Romanians experience
                      extremes –

                      the     Dutch temper as flat.

                         5.  Romanians tend to think everything outside Romania is better, they suffer from a mild

                      inferiority     complex.

                         6.  In negotiations, Romanians go all the way to get the best price. Where the Dutch think

                            in partnerships where you give some and you get some Romanians go for the lowest


                         7.  In Romania, a business lunch is taken between 12 and 15 hrs, can last two hours and is

                           a warm meal (lunch is the main meal in the country).

                         8.  Time is taken in a Mediterranean way, it is flexible, business partners coming late for a

                      meeting     should not be taken personal.

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