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request     for tenders and design contest. The most frequently used procedures are the open

               bid    and the request for tenders. To be successful in the award procedure on SEAP, all

               required     steps must be executed meticulously in order not to be disqualified. It is extremely

               important        to comply with all requirements as published on SEAP. In reality the system is not

               flawless,        a common technique is to escape from the thresholds for procurement is splitting of

               the    contracts in smaller contracts.

               The    current government has announced plans to build 3 new public hospitals. The first one is

               the    Western Romania regional hospital 21     with a budget of 377m euro, to be built in Floresti

               near     Cluj-Napoca and finalised by the end of 2023. The minister of health plans to submit a

               request     for European funding in fall of 2018. The other two hospitals are to be built in


               Bucharest,     both with a budget of 300m euro . The first one in the capital’s first district

               (sector     1), the other one in the northern area of Pipera.

               5.6.2     Private hospitals

               The     number of private hospitals has grown very fast. In 2010 there were 75 such hospitals

               and   by

                        2016 their number had risen to 201. Private hospitals can claim treatments at the

               National     Insurance House (CNAS). They also charge their patients a fee for services rendered

               on     top of the fees received from the CNAS. They also sell services and products that are not

               part   of

                        the package reimbursed by CNAS. Clients/patients have to pay these from their

               household     budget. Private hospitals aim at the wealthier parts of the population, who mainly


               live       the larger cities. Not surprisingly, private hospitals are mostly located in the largest

               population     centres and especially in Bucharest.

               The     look and feel of the hospitals are more marketing influenced than public hospitals.

               Especially     the larger ones, like Regina Maria are clearly in the consumer services market, as is

               evident     from their website and buildings. Smaller hospitals have a less developed online

               marketing.     The quality of private hospitals differs a lot, the larger hospitals have a broad

               spectrum   of
                             treatments, the smaller a limited offer. Websites of smaller hospitals can suggest

               that     they offer a lot of specialties, the quality is often unclear. Private hospitals are market

               driven       their service to patients, generally the relatively simple care is offered. Care that

               people     are willing to pay extra money for, for example care related to child birth. Romanians

               have a

                           sympathy for children – like many other nations – thus are willing to spend money on

               pregnancy,     child birth and child care services. Procurement in private hospitals goes without

               the     electronic tendering compulsory for public hospitals. On the other hand private hospitals

               are     commercial profit driven and will negotiate hard on price. In general, price is the first and

               foremost     variable in purchasing decisions by Romanian companies.

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