P. 38

The     average size of the distributors is relatively low (around 12m), but their profitability is far
               from     low. Diamedix and Medical Technologies International score a profit margin of 8%, but

               Mediclim         at 21% and Sante International at 29% score very high.

               5.4     Other medical products
               Imports        in Romania of the subgroup of other medical products is relatively small. The import

               of     reagents has the largest share. Most reagents are imported from: Germany 40%, France

               11%     and Belgium 9%

               Table    5.3 – Romanian import of other medical products

                Code         Description               2013      2014      2015      2016      2017
                3821         Cultures     and media          3         3         3         4         4

                3822         Reagents                    58        65        73        81        92
                401511       Gloves                          5         4         4         5         6
                48189010      Paper     disposables          1         1         2         2         2
                7017         Glassware                       2         2         2         2         2
                841920       Sterilizers                     2         3         5         4         5
                9402         Medical    furniture            9     13        19        16        17
                Total    import other medical products     79      91       108       114       127

               Source:     Trade Map, unit: EUR million

               Some      companies from the list of medical device distributors also distribute reagents:

               Mediclim,     Top Diagnostics and Rotest. (Annex F: Distributors of medical devices).

               5.5     Healthcare service providers

               The     number of healthcare service providers developed rapidly in Romania between 1990 and

               2016.     In 1990 shortly after the revolution there were 9.665 ´medical units´ registered in

               Romania.       All of them were public companies. By 2016, the total number of medical units had

               risen        to 59.957 registered companies, out of which there are 6.414 public companies and

               53.543     private companies. The National Institute of Statistics registers 32 types of health care

               organisations         , the main - commercially interesting ones - are summarised in the table below.

               Table     5.4 – Healthcare care organisations 2016

                Organisation               Public     Private     Total
                hospital                     366       201      567
                medical    laboratory      2,021      1,988      4,009
                specialised     practice          -  10,754      10,754
                general     practice          22      11,252      11,274
                dental     practice           32      14,847      14,879
                dental     technique lab      15      2,248      2,263

                pharmacy                     399      7,403      7,802

               Source:     National Institute of Statistics

   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43