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At     third place in the Romanian imports from the Netherlands are pharmaceutical products

               with        a share of 10.6% and a value of EUR 319.0m. All medical goods combined have a share in

               Romanian      imports of 12.5% and a value of 378.2m euro.

               Data     on the exact size of the healthcare markets are not available. But reasonable estimates

               can     be made by adding up the turnover of the larger companies in a specific category. For

               example     the combined turnover of the 10 largest pharmaceutical distributing companies are

               an    indication of the market size. Downside of this method is that not all companies are

               included,      it excludes direct sales by domestic producers and foreign companies, also possible

               exports        by distributors are not accounted for. Some cross contamination cannot be avoided,

               e.g.    production companies that also run distribution and retail. A total market estimate

               cannot    be given by using this method, but they are the best available data. For the year 2017

                   a figure of EUR 10.7bn was reported for the total pharmaceutical sector – including

               production,    distribution and retail – actual drug sales are lower , see next paragraph.

               5.2.2     Pharmaceutical products distribution

               The     market for pharmaceutical products is underdeveloped compared to western markets.

               The     largest 10 distributors had a combined turnover of 3.2bn euro in 2017 (see Annex D:

               Pharmaceutical     distributors). Substantial sales and growth have been reported. A recent

               estimate     reported a drug sales of 3.15bn euro in the year covering Q1 2017 to Q1 2018, an

                            11.8% compared to the same period a year earlier. The largest segment are
               increase   of

               prescription     drugs sales of 2.1bn euro, OTC sales were 686m euro and sales to hospitals


               totalled     368m euro . It was also reported that the pharmaceutical market grew by 17% in the


               first     quarter of 2018, compared to the same period in 2017 . The largest medicine

               distributors   in
                               2017 were:

                   1.      Mediplus Exim, Mogosoaia, turnover: 834.4m

                   2.      Farmexpert, Bucharest, turnover: 634.1m

                   3.      Fildas Trading, Bucharest, turnover: 571.4m

                   4.      Farmexim, Comuna Balotești, turnover: 421.8m

                   5.      Sanofi, Bucharest, turnover: 236.3m

               Turnover   of

                             tenth largest distributor in Annex D Pharma is 25.5m euro. The size of the

               pharmaceutical     distributors is large compared to other companies in the healthcare sector

               (see     the next paragraphs) and also compared to the wider Romanian economy. Mediplus

               Exim       part of the medical conglomerate A&D Pharma Holding. Some other companies in this


               holding     are Sensiblu pharmacies and A&D Pharma Marketing & Sales Services. Foreign

               ownership       these companies is quite common Farmexpert is part the Walgreens Boots


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