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               cluster       Romania is bioROne (see the textbox). Cooperation in a cluster is today a

               mainstream     organisation model, for bio-medical R&D.

               The     three main bio-medical clusters are in Romania:

                   1.      bioROne – biotechnology:

                   2.      RoHealth – health and bioeconomy:

                   3.      iMAGO-MOL – molecular imaging:


               Commercialisation       knowledge (part of translational research) is very difficult, as there is no

               legal     framework for translational research. Anti-corruption legislation and fear to be sued for

                              paralysing sensible development in this field. Universities are afraid to receive
               corruption   is

               money     from companies, hence this inhibits any form of contract research. Governmental

               institutions     are not helping when asked about the application of relevant laws, either no


               answer       given or a copy-paste from the law/regulation is given as answer. People are afraid

               to     act. To further develop the clusters there is the need for a success story, that can act as

               role     model.

               4.4     Opportunities for cooperation

               Cooperation     between Romanian and Dutch governmental organisations, universities and

               institutes        is possible in several fields.

                   1.     In Romania health economics is a highly underdeveloped field. Romanian healthcare

                      can     be improved substantially by making research based economic decisions. This can

                      be     done in many areas, for example decisions on the locations of new hospitals.

                      Admittance         of new medicines or medical devices to the Romanian market, and

                      establishing         if the costs are acceptable, instead of decisions based on private interests.

                      The     Netherlands has a number institutes that are specialised in this fields.

                   2.      In the field of public health cooperation should be feasible. In the Netherlands

                      extensive     knowledge is available on public health and epidemiology.

                         3.  Health technology assessment is underdeveloped in Romania and could use input

                      from    the Netherlands.

                         4.  Romanian organisations in the field of scientific research and R&D are isolated from

                      EU     counterparts. Connecting Romanian scientific research and R&D to EU partners,

                      can     open new opportunities.

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