P. 30


               Most       the scientific research is done in the research institutes that are under the Romanian

                             Sciences . The academy has four research institutes in the field of bio-medical
               Academy   of        12

                   1.      Institutul de Cercetări Antropologice „Francisc I. Rainer“, Bucureşti

                   2.      Institutul de Virusologie „Ştefan S. Nicolau“, Bucureşti

                   3.      Centrul de Imunologie, Bucureşti

                   4.      Centrul de Cercetari Biomedicale, Iaşi

               4.3     Research and development

               Biomedical     research and development is of a limited scope in Romania. Most prominent are

               the     research departments of some of the pharmaceutical production companies. Some of the

               pharmaceutical     production companies have their own R&D department and medicine

               development.     The best example is Antibiotice that has extensive research facilities and is also

               offering     contract research services. The Romanian subsidiary of Gedeon Richter has a R&D

               profile,     claiming that 60

               medicines     have been        Case:     bioROne - the first biotechnology cluster in Romania

               developed     and produced. In

                                              bioROne       the first biotechnology cluster in Romania. It is

                           opened a new centre
               2016 it
                                                          the North-Eastern city of Iași. The inspiration for
                                              located   in

               for     R&D in Târgu-Mureş,

                                              creating     the cluster came from foreign examples, especially

               partially     financed with       CIMIT       Boston US was inspiring. The goal of the cluster is to


               European     funds. Biotehnos       integrate     actors in the biotech field to collaborate instead of

               (see:     Annex E) is a R&D       each     actor working on its own, to improve translational

               oriented     pharmaceutical       research     and economic development. bioROne was founded
                                                        group of 12 members, which includes top universities

                                              by a
               producer.       produces

                                              and     research centres, key national or regional industry

               original     drugs and

                                              players,     development agencies and strategic partners.

               pharmaceutical     active

               ingredients,     that are       bioROne     aims to act as a network and common platform to

               patented.                      help     maximise the innovation potential of North Eastern

               The     innovation landscape in   Romania,     and strengthen the innovation process from an

                                              original     idea to a product. bioROne has secured several

               the     bio-medical field is not

                                              project     grants and research contracts, cumulative budget

               widely     developed, it lacks

                                              50m     euro, among others from the EU structural funds.

               investment     from the

               business     side, openness to

               cooperation     from the

               academic     side and facilitation from the governmental side. However, there are a number of

                             the form of clusters of business, research and health institutions. A total of three

               initiatives   in
                            companies, research institutions and hospitals are found . The first bio-medical
               clusters   of                                                    13

               12     Academia Românâ,

               13     Clusterro is the platform for clusters from various sectors in Romania:

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