P. 25

practised.     Patients hope to get a better treatment by making these payments. The informal

               payments     themselves vary a lot, from a box of chocolates for a nurse to sums of money for a

               3.6     Issues in the healthcare system

               There     are several “issues” in the Romanian healthcare system that cause the low health

               outcomes      at the bottom of EU rankings.

               System     wide issues

                   1.      Funding of the system: as discussed above; in comparative perspective little money is

                      spent      in the public healthcare system.

                   2.     Management of the system: due to political chaos and a fast-track turnover of

                      ministers        of health. Resulting in none or hardly any improvement of the system.

                   3.     Policies for the system: the health strategy looks beautiful on paper, but execution of it

                           is pretty much absent.
               It        is unlikely that these system wide issues will be changed in the short term. In the reality of

               today    many Romanians are getting more and more disappointed in their country and leave.

               After    the revolution, a flow of emigrants developed. By now 18.2% of the population

               emigrated 8      , both lower educated and higher educated people. Over a quarter (26.6%) of the

               population     with a higher education left the country, this created a serious “brain drain” When

               these     higher educated are asked why they do not want to return to Romania the political

               environment   is
                                 one of the major reasons. Today the higher educated Romanians are finding

               quality     jobs in western countries and sent their children to western universities. They no

               longer     see a valuable future in their country of birth. Many Romanian doctors and other

               medical     staff have left the country for a better future abroad. France has the largest inflow of

               Romanian     doctors. The outflow of medical staff has led to shortages in Romanian healthcare.

                          medication and parallel trade
               Access   to

               In     Romania the price for medicines is set by the National Agency for Medicines and Medical

               Devices     (ANMDM). For certain medicines the set price is so low, that pharmaceutical

               companies     are withdrawing their medicines from the market by deregistering them with the


               ANMDM.        number of important medicines are not available on the Romanian market

               anymore,     hampering the recovery of patients. The website of the Romanian Health

               Observatory     ( has more information. It is estimated that

               pharmaceutical     companies took 2,000 medicines off the market. The governmental

               interventions     lead to a flourishing parallel market. Medicine priced in Romania at a relatively

               low     price are exported to other countries where they are sold at the relatively higher price

                  8   For more information on this section see: The World Bank, Andrei Dospinescu and Giuseppe Russo; Romania –

               Systematic    Country Diagnostic: background note – migration; 2018.

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