P. 23

quality.     The National Commission for Hospital Accreditation (established in 2008) became

               part     of the National Authority for Quality Management in Health Care when the latter was

               established        in 2015. The Authority is under direct supervision of the Prime Minister who

               appoints        its president.

               National     Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices
               The     National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices    5   (ANMDM) is a public institution

               operating             as a legal entity subordinated to the Ministry of Health, following the merger of the

               National     Medicines Agency with the Medical Devices Technical Office. The ANMDM develops

               national     strategies and policies in the field of medicines and medical devices. The ANMDM is

               the     national authority competent in the field of medical technology assessment, according to

               criteria     developed by the Ministry of Health. The ANMDM is responsible for market

               authorization     and surveillance of the safety of medicinal products on the market. But also for

               setting     the prices for medicines and medical devices when reimbursed by the CNAS.

               Professional     organizations

               There     are five main professional organizations: the College of Physicians, College of Dentists,

               College       of Pharmacists, the Order of Nurses and Midwives, and the Order of Biochemists,

               Biologists     and Chemists. These are responsible for: regulating their respective professions;

               controlling     and monitoring of health care professionals’ practice; and for training and

               accreditation.     They have structures at the national and district levels. Membership in these

               organizations         is mandatory for all health professionals who practise in Romania. The

               professional     organizations have district councils and district branches at the local level.

               3.4.2     The regional level

               District     public health authorities

               There     are 42 District Public Health Authorities, one in each of the 41 districts and municipality

               of     Bucharest. These are mainly responsible for carrying out the functions of the Ministry of

               Health     related to population health at the local level. This includes: monitoring the health

               status         of the population; developing, implementing and evaluating public health programmes;

               organizing     health promotion and health prevention activities; as well as controlling and

               evaluating     health care provision and the functioning and organization of health care


               District     health insurance houses

               There     are 43 District Health Insurance Houses, including the Bucharest Health Insurance

               House     and one insurance house for the employees of the Ministries of National Defence,

                  5   Agentia Nationala a Medicamentului si a Dispozitivelor Medicale,

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