P. 28

Chapter          4: Romanian health education, scientific research and R&D

               4.1     Health Education

               Romanian     education has been under pressure in the last years. The quality of high school

               students      is one of the lowest in the EU. The PISA study by the OECD investigates the quality of

               15     year olds in science, reading and mathematics. On all three subjects Romanian high school

               students     score below the EU average. The reducing qualities of students are also seen in

               university     education. However, there is a relatively small portion of students that scores

               excellent       in international competitions. Many universities have dropped their standards and

               bribing             is a common phenomenon. For example bribes to pass an exam, to get documents in

               time     from the student administration etc. Total enrolment of Romanian students is around

               400,000,         of which 33,4000 in universities abroad. Parents are losing faith in the Romanian

               education     system and send their children – in increasing numbers -

                                                                                     to universities outside

               Romania.     The Ministry of National Education 10           is in charge of all education in Romania.

               The     level of medical university education is not suffering from this general drop in the quality

               of     academic education. Main reason for this is the nation-wide entry exam for medical

               schools,     that is compulsory for all Romanian students, foreign students are exempted. The

               exam      is meant to select only the best students and is the sole selection instrument for

               admittance     into medical school. The best admitted students will also receive a government

               scholarship     for the first year. The scholarship will be prolonged another year if the student

               has     sufficiently high grades. The system is highly performance focused.

               Romania     has 10 universities offering medical education; six are medical universities, only

               offering     medical education; the other four offer a broader range of subjects. All universities

               have     faculties for medicine, pharmacy and dentistry (see Annex B: Medical faculties). The

               medical     schools with the best reputation are:

                   1.      Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

                   2.      Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași

                   3.      Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj Napoca

               The     medical schools are mainly involved in teaching, the training is of a professional level and

               has         an upward trend. The high level of training is also due to internationally recognised

               curricula     and university teaching staff who circulate among foreign medical schools. Medical

               schools     receive a fee per student from the government. Another source of income are

               students     from abroad who pay a tuition fee that is above the fee from the government. This

               resulted      in programs not only in Romanian but also English and sometimes French . Grigore

               10     Ministerul Educației Naționale,

               11     Foreign students are not uncommon in Romania, during communism, students from friendly “communist”

               countries     studied in the country. For example students from Asia and Africa.

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