P. 32

Chapter       5: Business opportunities in the Romanian health sector

               5.1     Total trade of Romania

               Over    the last 5 years, trade between Romania and the world is increasing at a rapid pace.

               Romania’s     global imports were strongly growing in the last 5 years. In 2013 imports totalled

               55.3     billion euro, by 2017 they have risen to 75.5 billion. In 2017 they grew by 12% compared

               to     the previous year.

               Figure     5.1 - Romania imports and exports with world
                         2013      2014       2015       2016      2017

                          Romania     import from world     Romania     export to world

               Source:     Trade Map, unit EUR billion

               Exports     grew less fast than the imports, from 49.6 billion euro in 2013 to 62.5 billion in 2017.

               Exports      of Romania lie below the imports. Compared to total Dutch exports of 577 billion

               euro         in 2017, Romanian export is limited.

               The     major trade partners are Germany and Italy, for imports as well as exports. Germany is by

               far     the largest trade partner, doubling in volume runner up Italy. The Netherlands are the 7 th

               import     partner of Romania and the 11 th     export partner. Romanian imports from the

               Netherlands     are 3.0 billion euro and Romanian exports to the Netherlands are 1.6 billion

               euro.     Trade between Romania and the Netherlands has a growing trend. Romanian imports of

               Dutch     goods are rising since 2010 and accelerated since 2014. Between 2016 and 2017 they

               rose       by 10%. Export and import products are mainly the same, with the exception that

               Romania      imports a considerable amount of pharmaceutical products.

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