P. 29

T. Popa University has for example students from around 40 countries. The inflow of foreign

               students     can result in capacity problems in the faculties. Romanian medical faculties hardly

               receive     income from research grants, hence teaching is their main source of income and the


               focus       the faculties. This is different to Dutch medical faculties, where research and

               obtaining     research grants are a major source of income.

               Many     universities that provide medical education, also offer education in related fields, such

               as     nursing, midwifery, laboratory technician, dental hygienist, bioengineering, physiotherapy,

               nutrition     and dietetics etc.

               4.2     Bio-medical scientific research

               Bio-medical     scientific research is done at universities, hospitals, research institutes,

               companies     and clusters (companies and clusters will be discussed in the next paragraph). At

               universities     scientific research is of a very limited scope especially compared to the

               Netherlands.     The focus of universities is on teaching because of their funding structure, the

               income     earned from teaching is a lot higher as from research. Education funding is a more

               stable     source of income as research funding, which is project based. Romanian - non-EU or

               other       - funding is limited in available budget and timing. The granting process is slow, the

               award       grants can be postponed and budgets reduced, all for budgetary reasons. There is

               hardly     structural funding.

               Government     grants are open for application by universities, research institutes and

               companies.     For a limited number of grants and a limited grant amount there is a lot of

               competition     (up to 90 contestants for 3 grants). Which makes writing the often large

               proposals     not very interesting as many resources must be used to have a slim chance for a

               grant.     EU research funding (Horizon 2020 etc.) subsidises research in fields that are not

               relevant       Romania. The subjects are not the health problems and diseases that Romania is


               facing     and Romania has no institutes and researchers in requested fields. Romanian

               universities     are sometimes minor contributors to a limited number of (small) international

               research     projects. The quality of institutes and companies differs a lot, some have 1970’s
               equipment     others have a state of the art equipment. Procurement is for researchers a

               cumbersome      task, tender limits can be lower as the official public sector limits, as low as 600

               euro.     The electronic tendering does not give freedom in the choice of equipment. There is no

               freedom       buy equipment of the same brand that is already installed in a laboratory.


                                  university must be listed a year in advance. That does not work with research
               Purchases   in a

               where     decisions are made halfway a research project and actual use of materials is hard to

                             advance. Researchers are afraid to meet sales representatives out of fears of

               estimate   in

               being     accused of corruption. Many university rules hinder scientific research and do not

                                environment where research can thrive.
               contribute to

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