P. 26

there    (more details in paragraph 5.2.4). At the same time there was a parallel flow of

               medicines     into Romania, for medicines no longer available on the Romanian market.

               Health     information and decision making

               Decisions     about health by the various governmental institutions are taken without much

               linkage        to the health needs of the population. In general decisions are not based on sound

               information        or analysis. Health outcomes could be improved within the constraints of the

               limited    budget by rational decision making. There is a centralised electronic information

               system    Sistemul Informatic Unic Integrat (SIUI)    9   that connects healthcare providers to the

               CNAS.     The system is far from perfect and is sometimes offline for several days. The system

               needs         a major overhaul, as it is hard to work with and requires many levels of authorisation

               from     the CNAS for approval of treatments. A lot of data is gathered but is not used and

               analysed.     Development of health economics systems could substantially improve the quality

               of     decision making. There are currently no mechanisms to measure the impact of health

               actions      or programmes. It is impossible to evaluate, if such programmes are actually working.

               In     the field of Health Technology Assessments HTA improvements can be made as well. The

               HTA     functions are assigned to the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, but
               are     not yet fully implemented due to a lack of resources and expertise, as well as the unclear

               delineation         of functions.

               Public     health: prevention and screening

               As     seen in chapter 2, the main health risk factors in Romania are unhealthy eating (too much

               animal     fats, too little fruit and vegetables), alcohol consumption, smoking and little physical

               exercise.     This behaviour is on the one hand caused by socio-economic factors. The relatively

               poor     part of the population can’t afford healthy food, especially healthier meat products. On

               the     other hand there are cultural factors. It is a common thought that eating large volumes of

               meat         is good. To some extend there is also overcompensation from the communist times

               when     people experienced serious shortages in daily food articles. Nowadays there is an

               abundance          of food available, that is consumed somewhat too enthusiastically because it is

               available.     Romanian school pupils are hardly educated in healthy behaviour at school. At the

               moment     there are hardly campaigns to inform the public about healthy behaviour,

               improvements     can be made.

               There     are very limited screening campaigns. Most notably one for cervical cancer. However,

               its     result is limited, as women are not actively invited to participate. A preventive screen on

               diabetes     resulted in many more patients diagnosed with the disease, illustrating

               underreporting      in statistics and unmet health care needs.

                  9   The system is complex, next to SIUI there are also the related systems: SIPE (Sistemul Informatic de Prescripție

               Electronică)     and CEAS (Sistemul informatic al cardului electronic de asigurări de sănătate). It is outside the scope

               of     this report to go into more details, for more information:

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