P. 22

3.4.1     The national level
               Actors        at the national level are the Ministry of Health, the National Health Insurance House

               and     the professional organisations.

               Ministry        of Health
               The     Ministry of Health    2   (MS) is primarily responsible for healthcare in Romania. It is both

               responsible     for the regulatory framework and policies as well as the management of the

               healthcare     system at large. At the time of writing this report Sorina Pintea is Minister of

               Health,     further there are five State Secretaries and two Undersecretaries of State.

               The     Ministry of Health is the central administrative authority in the health sector. In recent

               years     their main responsibilities have not changed much. It is responsible for the stewardship

               of     the system and for its regulatory framework, including regulation of the pharmaceutical

               sector         as well as public health policies and services, sanitary inspection and the Framework

               Contract,     which regulates the purchasing of health services. It is also in charge of monitoring

               and     evaluation of population health, provision of public health education and health

               promotion,     human resources policy and certain infrastructure investments.

               National     Health Insurance House

               The     National Health Insurance House    3   (CNAS) is an autonomous public institution that

               administrates     and regulates the social health insurance system. Established in 1999, it decides

               on     resource allocation from the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the District Health

               Insurance     Houses (CAS); sets out annual objectives for its own activities and for the activities

               of     the CAS; supervises and coordinates the activity of the CAS’s it has the power to issue

               implementing     regulations mandatory to all CAS’s; and decides on the resource allocation

               between     different types of care. It also elaborates the Framework Contract, which together

               with     the accompanying norms, defines the benefits package to which the insured are entitled
               as     well as the provider payment mechanisms.

               National     Authority for Quality Management in Health Care

               The     National Authority for Quality Management in Health Care    4   (ANMCS) was created in

               2015.      Its tasks include: elaborating, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the National

               Strategy     for Quality Assurance in Health; drafting legislative proposals to ensure

               harmonization     with international regulations; elaborating accreditation standards, methods

               and     procedures for health care providers; accrediting training and technical consultancy

               providers         in the field of health quality management; evaluating, re-evaluating and accrediting

               health     providers; monitoring that appropriate quality standards are in place in health care


                               at all levels of care; and performing research activities in the area of health services

                  2   Ministerul Sănătăţii,

                  3   Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate,

                  4   Autoritatea Națională de Management al Calității în Sănătate,

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