P. 43

services     for employees of companies, this is part of the compensation package. Usually it

               includes a
                              subscription style medical check-up and general practitioner consults. Often a


               range       care packages is offered by the clinics. Employer’s from bigger companies in

                              offer this to their employees as part of their compensation package. Private
               especially   IT

               medical     clinics (see also private hospitals) are specialised in various analysis like MRI scans,

               imaging     and related. They offer their services to the public as well as private and public


               5.8     Analytical service providers

               In     the field of Contract Research Organizations (Annex H: Medical service providers) limited

               activity        is observed, the main player is Antibiotice that also produces medicines. A small

               number        of medical software companies have been found.

               Another    type of service are the medical laboratories, these laboratories do analysis on human

               materials     like blood or tissue samples. Analysis include haematology, microbiology etc. These

               service     providers offer their services to public and private hospitals and are quite profitable.

               Annex        H gives a list of medical laboratories.

               5.9     Other healthcare providers

               General     practitioners usually work in a one to three person practice. The majority of their

               services     are charged to the National Insurance House (CNAS). Since the revolution the

               number      of dental practices has grown substantially, under communism independent dental

               practices     were unknown. Dentist and dental technicians are private companies, funded

               mainly     outside CNAS, patients usually pay at the dental practice. Dentists receive a (small)
               lump     sum for the treatment of children and elderly people from CNAS.

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