Page 64 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        64 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        Do tax authorities have requirements   Other recent                     Is there a fling fee for APAs?
        or preferences regarding databases   developments                       Not applicable.
        for comparables?
        The tax authority uses the Amadeus   In January 2012 a change in the transfer   Does the tax authority publish APA
                                            pricing rules occurred. There are some
        database for searching for comparables,   changes with respect to priority amongst   data either in the form of an annual
        but also other databases are accepted.                                  report or through the disclosure of
                                            transfer pricing methods and there are   data in public forums?
        What level of interaction do tax    also amendments regarding tangible   Not applicable.
        authorities have with customs       assets and other minor issues.
        authorities?                                                            Please provide some information
        High.                               Tax treaty/double tax               on how successful the APA program
                                            resolution                          is and whether there are any known
        Are management fees deductible?                                         diffculties?
        Yes, under the condition that appropriate   What is the extent of the double   Not applicable.
        agreements are in place and that a   tax treaty network?
        taxpayer can prove that services were   Extensive.                      Language
        actually needed and rendered.
                                            If extensive, is the competent      In which language or languages
        Are management fees subject to      authority effective in obtaining    can documentation be fled?
        withholding?                        double tax relief?                  In general, the documentation needs
        No.                                 No experience in transfer pricing feld.   to be in Slovene language. However,
                                            Slovenia competent authority has limited   it could also be prepared in a foreign
        Are year-end transfer pricing       experience in MAP, and it is too early   language but translated upon the
        adjustments permitted?              to tell how successful they are in such   tax authoritys request, within the
        Yes, year-end adjustments are permitted   resolutions.                  deadline set by the tax authority
        either in the CIT return (artifcial increase                            (no earlier than in 60 days).
        of the tax base due to transfer prices) or   When may a taxpayer submit an
        in the fnancial statements (credit note,   adjustment to competent authority?
        debit note). Credit or debit notes have   Prior to the commencement of the tax
        potential VAT and customs implications.   audit (self announcement procedure).
        For incorrect reporting/calculation of
        taxes due to transfer prices, penalties   May a taxpayer go to competent
        may apply according to VAT and      authority before paying tax?
        customs legislation.                Not applicable for transfer pricing.

        There should be no penalties arising from
        transfer prices if transactions between   Advance pricing
        related parties are at arms length.   arrangements
        Other unique attributes?            What APA options are available,
        No.                                 if any?
                                            No APAs or binding rulings of any kind.

                                                                                 KPMG in Slovenia

                                                                                 Nada Drobnič
                                                                                 Tel: +386 1 4201 149

                                                                                 As email addresses and phone numbers
                                                                                 change frequently, please email us at
                                                                        if you are unable
                                                                                 to contact us via the information noted above.
        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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