Page 63 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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                                                                                                       Slovenia | 63

        Transfer pricing study              Transfer pricing methods            If an adjustment is sustained, can
        overview                            Are transfer pricing methods        penalties be assessed? If so, what
                                                                                rates are applied and under what
        Is preparation of a transfer pricing   outlined in Chapter II of the    conditions?
        study required  i.e. can the        OECD Guidelines acceptable?         Yes. In case the tax base is lower
        taxpayer be penalized for mere      Yes.                                than it should have been, penalties
        failure to prepare a study?                                             for understated tax liabilities range
                                            Is there a priority among the
        Yes, for all transactions.                                              between 30-45 percent (depending
                                            acceptable methods?
                                                                                if micro/small or medium/large
        Other than complying with a         The arms length price has to be proven   company) of understated tax liability,
        requirement per the previous        by using the most appropriate transfer   but not more than EUR150,000 (for
        question, describe the benefts, if   pricing method. If the arms length price   micro/small companies) or EUR300,000
        any, of preparing and maintaining   can be proven with the same reliability   (for medium/large companies) and from
        a transfer pricing study?           using traditional transaction methods   EUR700 to EUR5,000 (also depending if
        The benefts are as follows:         and proft based methods, transaction   micro/small or medium/large company)
                                            methods have priority over proft based   for the companys responsible person.
           penalty protection               methods and internal comparables
           mitigate risk of tax authority   have priority over external comparables.   To what extent are transfer pricing
          making adjustments.               Comparable uncontrolled price method   penalties enforced?
                                            has priority over other methods.    Increasingly.
        To satisfy the requirement and/or
        obtain the benefts, are there any   If there is no priority of methods,   What defenses are available with
        requirements on when the transfer   is there a best method rule?        respect to penalties?
        pricing study must be prepared      No.                                 Prepared transfer pricing documentation
        and submitted?                                                          containing all the data required by the
        The transfer pricing study has to be   Transfer pricing audit           Slovenian Tax Procedure Act.
        prepared at the latest by the time the   and penalties
        CIT return is submitted (within 3 months                                What trends are being observed
        after the end of the tax year). The   When the tax authority requests   currently?
        transfer pricing study must be submitted   a taxpayer s transfer pricing   Tax audits are often triggered in cases
        immediately to the tax authorities upon   documentation, how long does   when the taxpayer makes a self
        their request. If this is not possible, it   the taxpayer have to submit its   announcement.
        must be submitted within 30-90 days   documentation?
        (the deadline for submission is set by   The tax authority may request transfer   The tax inspectors are mainly focused on
        the tax authorities).               pricing documentation in the case of a   cross-border transactions in tax audits.
                                            tax audit. The taxpayer has to submit it   Recently, there have been many tax
        When a transfer pricing study is    immediately, but if the transfer pricing   audits in companies that were involved
        prepared, should its content follow   documentation is not prepared, the tax   in business restructurings.
        Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?   authority give the taxpayer 30-90 days for
        No. According to tax law, transfer   the preparation depending on the extent
        pricing documentation shall comprise   and the complexity of the data.   Special considerations
        of a Masterfle and Country Specifc                                      Are secret comparables used by
        File, containing the information which   If an adjustment is proposed by the   tax authorities?
        generally follows Chapter V of the   tax authority, are dispute resolution   KPMG in Slovenia has not yet seen that
        OECD Guidelines.                    options available to the taxpayer   secret comparables have been used.
                                            outside of competent authority?
        Does the tax authority require an   In general yes (Ministry of Finance and   Is there a preference, or requirement,
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    Administrative court).              by the tax authorities for local
        specifc designation in order                                            comparables in a benchmarking set?
        to prepare or submit a transfer
        pricing study?                                                          No.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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