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                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Slovakia

                                         After the introduction of mandatory transfer pricing documentation (for taxable
                                        periods starting from 2009), transfer pricing became one of the top priorities for
                                       the Slovak tax authorities. The tax authorities started to focus on transfer pricing
                                      audits and inspect transfer pricing arrangements in more detail than ever before. The
                                      tax authorities have placed a greater focus on transfer prices for transactions with
                                     foreign related parties than the prices used for domestic transactions, since in principle
                                    transfer pricing only applies to transactions with foreign related parties in Slovakia. The
                                   tax authorities have built specialized transfer pricing teams and it is expected that the
                                   number of transfer pricing audits to be carried out on corporate taxpayers is again going
                                  to increase.

        Basic information                   amendment laying down the obligation to   Transfer pricing
                                            maintain transfer pricing documentation
        Tax authority name                  became effective on 1 January 2009.  disclosure overview
        Daňový úrad (tax authorities).                                          Are disclosures related to transfer
                                            What is the relationship threshold   pricing required to be prepared or
        Citation for transfer pricing rules   for transfer pricing rules to apply   submitted to the revenue authority
        Article 2 Letter n through r, Article 17 (5)   between parties?         on an annual basis (e.g. with the tax
        through (7), and Article 18 of the Act No.   More than 25 percent direct or indirect   return)?
        595/2003 Coll. on the Income Tax as   share of voting rights or registered   Corporate taxpayers are required to
        amended.                            capital, or personal relation (statutory   disclose in their annual tax return certain
                                            bodies) or business relation solely for   information regarding transactions with
        Guidelines of the Ministry of       the purpose of decreasing tax base/
        Finance of the Slovak Republic No.   increasing tax loss.               related parties.
        MF/8288/2009-72 on details regarding                                    What types of transfer pricing
        the content for keeping documentation   What is the statute of limitations   information must be disclosed?
        for the transfer pricing method applied   on assessment of transfer pricing
        by a taxpayer according to the Article   adjustments?                   Terms of the following transactions
        18 (1) of the Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on   Five years from the calendar year-end   concluded with foreign-based related
        the Income Tax as amended.                                              parties have to be reported in the annual
                                            of the fling date. Seven years if the   tax return of a corporate entity (all values
        Effective date of transfer pricing   taxpayer carries forward tax losses   stated in Euros (EUR)):
        rules                               according to income tax legislation     interest resulting from provision of
        General transfer pricing rules have been   effective from 1 January 2010.   loans or credits
                                            Maximum statute of limitations is
        applicable since the introduction of   10 years. Ten years always applies if
        the frst post-communist income tax   international tax treaties are involved.    granting license rights
        legislation in the 1990s. An important                                     provision of services

                                                                                   transfer of tangible, intangible and
                                                                                  fnancial assets

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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