Page 57 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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                                                                                                         Serbia | 57

        Special considerations              The Ministry of Finance is expected   May a taxpayer go to competent
                                            to publish a list of jurisdictions with a   authority before paying tax?
        Are secret comparables used by tax   preferential tax system during 2013.
        authorities?                                                            No formal rules.
        No.                                 Are year-end transfer pricing
                                            adjustments permitted?              Advance pricing
        Is there a preference, or requirement,   No.                            arrangements
        by the tax authorities for local
        comparables in a benchmarking set?  Other unique attributes?            What APA options are available,
        No, although use of local comparables   Not applicable.                 if any?
        may be viewed as an advantage.                                          No APAs or advance rulings of any kind.

        Do tax authorities have             Other recent                        Is there a fling fee for APAs?
        requirements or preferences         developments                        Not applicable.
        regarding databases for             As stated, detailed regulations regarding
        comparables?                        transfer pricing have been adopted and   Does the tax authority publish APA
        No.                                 enter into force from 1 January 2013. The   data either in the form of an annual
                                            regulations introduce requirements with   report or through the disclosure of
        What level of interaction do tax    respect to preparing transfer pricing   data in public forums?
        authorities have with customs       documentation and introduce the     Not applicable.
        authorities?                        application and reliance on the OECD
        The level of interaction between tax and   Guidelines. As a result, a signifcant   Please provide some information
        customs authorities with regards to VAT   increase in activity is expected from the   on how successful the APA program
        is high. However, it is not possible to   tax authorities regarding transfer pricing.  is and whether there are any known
        estimate the level of interaction between                               diffculties?
        these authorities regarding transfer   Tax treaty/double tax            Not applicable.
                                            resolution                          Language
        Are management fees deductible?     What is the extent of the double tax
        Generally, yes. Please note that non-  treaty network?                  In which language or languages
        documented costs are non-deductible   Minimal.                          can documentation be fled?
        as well as costs that are not incurred for                              Serbian.
        business purposes.                  If extensive, is the competent
                                            authority effective in obtaining
        Are management fees subject to      double tax relief?
        Management fees would be subject to   No experience.
        withholding tax only if provided from a   When may a taxpayer submit an
        jurisdiction with a preferential tax system   adjustment to competent authority?
        (discussed in more detail above).
                                            No formal rules.

                                                                                 KPMG in Serbia

                                                                                  Igor Lončarević
                                                                                  Tel: +381 11 20 50 570

                                                                                  As email addresses and phone numbers change
                                                                                  frequently, please email us at transferpricing@
                                                                         if you are unable to contact us via the
                                                                                  information noted above.
        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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