Page 60 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        60 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        Does the tax authority require an   Furthermore, the EU Arbitration     What trends are being observed
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    Convention lays down mechanisms on   currently?
        specifc designation in order        how disputes between the authorities   The tax authorities are more frequently
        to prepare or submit a transfer     of the involved countries should be   focusing on transfer pricing audits of all
        pricing study?                      resolved.                           types of businesses, and exit taxation
        No.                                 The respective proceedings are      issues are starting to be discussed in
                                            rather lengthy and administratively   Slovakia.
        Transfer pricing methods            cumbersome procedures with results   The tax authorities are more and more
                                            being diffcult to anticipate.
        Are transfer pricing methods                                            familiar with transfer pricing issues
        outlined in Chapter II of the       If an adjustment is sustained, can   and the inspections are more effcient
        OECD Guidelines acceptable?         penalties be assessed? If so, what   and sophisticated (e.g. tax authorities
        Yes.                                rates are applied and under what    are preparing their own benchmark
                                                                                studies). Tax inspections could be
        Is there a priority among the       If a tax difference detrimental to the   carried out by specialized teams with
        acceptable methods?                 State budget is assessed as a result of   trained and skilled people, who can
                                                                                help the tax authorities in any region. It
        Yes. First transactional methods    non-compliance with the arms length   is recommended to prepare extended
        (CUP, resale, and cost plus), then   principle, a penalty in the amount of   transfer pricing documentation (not
        other methods.                      three times the base interest rate of the   just content specifed for simplifed
                                            European Central Bank will be assessed;   documentation) as tax authorities
        If there is no priority of methods,   however, not less than 10 percent from
        is there a best method rule?        the misstated tax would be levied.   may additionally require supporting
                                                                                information/documents upon a potential
        Not applicable.                                                         inspection.
                                            To what extent are transfer pricing
        Transfer pricing audit              penalties enforced?                 Special considerations
        and penalties                       Always, if a misstatement of tax is   Are secret comparables used by
        When the tax authority requests                                         tax authorities?
        a taxpayer s transfer pricing       What defenses are available with    Under certain circumstances the tax
        documentation, how long does        respect to penalties?               authorities are allowed to determine
        the taxpayer have to submit its     No defenses if the documentation is not   tax according to aids at their disposal or
        documentation?                      provided to the tax authorities within   procured without cooperation with the
        According to Article 18 (6) of the   statutory limits. Penalties can be reduced   taxpayer. This may potentially involve
        Slovak Income Tax Act, transfer pricing   only in extraordinary circumstances   comparables derived from the fles of
        documentation must be made available   stipulated by the tax law.       other taxpayers which are not publicly
        to the tax authorities within 60 days of   In the case of penalties arising from   available. However, based on other
        request.                            additional tax assessments resulting   law provisions, the tax authorities are
                                            from a tax audit, ordinary and      required to clearly demonstrate what
        If an adjustment is proposed by the   extraordinary legal remedies are available   aids have been used to assess the
        tax authority, are dispute resolution   for the taxpayer, including appeal,   specifc tax difference.
        options available to the taxpayer   review beyond appellate proceedings,
        outside of competent authority?                                         Is there a preference, or requirement,
                                            and renewal of proceedings. An action   by the tax authorities for local
        Most tax treaties which Slovakia has with   may be fled by the taxpayer with
        other OECD countries contain MAPs   the court against the decision on tax   comparables in a benchmarking set?
        if the adjustment assessed by the tax   assessment (confrmed by the appellate   No.
        authorities results, or is likely to result,   tax authorities) against which no ordinary
        in double taxation.                 legal remedy is allowed.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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