Page 59 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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           transfer of inventory.           Other taxpayers not meeting the     To satisfy the requirement and/or
                                            set criteria for IFRS reporting have   obtain the benefts, are there any
        However, it is not required to disclose   to prepare  simplifed transfer
        any details regarding individual    pricing documentation that shows    requirements on when the transfer
        transactions in the annual tax return.                                  pricing study must be prepared and
                                            compliance with the arms length     submitted?
        What are the consequences           principle in transactions with      For relevant taxpayers the deadline
        of failure to prepare or submit     foreign-based related parties.      for submitting transfer pricing
        disclosures?                        The documentation must support the   documentation is within 60 days of
        The tax return is not complete and   fulfllment of arms length principles   the tax authorities request.
        the tax authorities may ask for the   in signifcant controlled transactions   When a transfer pricing study is
        completion of the respective information   performed by the taxpayer.   prepared, should its content follow
        in the tax return after the tax return was                              Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?
        fled.                               Entities which do not perform
                                            transactions with foreign related parties   No. The content of the full scope transfer
                                            are currently not required to maintain   pricing documentation prepared by IFRS
        Transfer pricing study              transfer pricing documentation.     reporters should correspond with the
        overview                                                                requirements of the EU Code of Conduct
                                            If the transfer pricing documentation
        Is preparation of a transfer pricing   was not provided to the tax authorities   on Transfer Pricing Documentation,
                                                                                i.e. it must include a master fle for the
        study required  i.e. can the        based on their request within the set   group of related parties and country
        taxpayer be penalized for mere      deadline of 60 days, the taxpayer could   specifc documentation for the
        failure to prepare a study?         be penalized up to EUR3,000, also   taxpayer. However, requirements of EU
        Yes, for all transactions. The Ministry   repeatedly.                   Code of Conduct on Transfer Pricing
        of Finance of the Slovak Republic                                       Documentation are similar to those
        issued guidelines which specify     Other than complying with a         outlined in OECD Guidelines.
        details regarding the content and the   requirement per the previous
        rules for preparing and maintaining   question, describe the benefts, if   Simplifed transfer pricing documentation
        documentation of the transfer pricing   any, of preparing and maintaining   must contain the following major
        method applied by the taxpayer to   a transfer pricing study?           elements:
        transactions with its foreign-based   Preparation of a transfer pricing     list of transactions with related
        related parties.                    study, including benchmarking, is
                                            recommended even for taxpayers who    parties, and their nature
        According to the guidelines, entities   are not obliged to maintain one (i.e. for     description of major transactions,
        which are obliged to prepare fnancial   those entities which do not maintain   their volume or percentage from the
        statements under IFRS according to   accounting records under IFRS). If the tax   overall volume of transactions
        Slovak Accounting Act (IFRS reporters)   authorities were to challenge the prices
        are required to keep full scope transfer   applied in related party transactions, the     information on the volume of
        pricing documentation for the respective   taxpayer would be required to support   incomplete/in-process transactions
        tax period. It must include a master fle   compliance with the arms length     information on prices of completed
        and a country fle including a transfer   principle. Existence of a transfer pricing   transactions between the taxpayer
        pricing study, i.e. internal and external   study may help shift the burden of proof   and the related parties.
        comparables on transactions conducted   to the tax authorities.
        between independent parties, a
        comparability analysis, functional
        analysis, etc.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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