Page 54 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 54

        54 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        If extensive, is the competent      taxpayers, as well as in the case of
        authority effective in obtaining    other categories of taxpayers of which
        double tax relief?                  the consolidated value of transactions
        Frequently.                         exceeds EUR4 million). The tariff for
                                            amendments of an already-released APA
        When may a taxpayer submit an       is EUR6,000 up to EUR15,000 (in the
        adjustment to competent authority?  case of large taxpayers, as well as in the
        No specifc provision.               case of other categories of taxpayers
                                            of which the consolidated value of
        May a taxpayer go to competent      transactions exceeds EUR4 million). It is
        authority before paying tax?        payable in RON at the National Bank of
                                            Romanias foreign exchange rate, valid
        No formal rules.
                                            at the date of payment.
        Advance pricing                     Does the tax authority publish APA
        arrangements                        data either in the form of an annual
                                            report or through the disclosure of
        What APA options are available,     data in public forums?
        if any?
        In line with the provisions of the Fiscal
        Procedure Code, taxpayers who carry   Please provide some information
        out transactions with related parties may   on how successful the APA program
        address the tax authorities in order to   is and whether there are any known
        obtain an APA regarding the conditions   diffculties?
        and methods of determining the transfer   The APA program is developing slowly.
        pricing within a given period of time. The   So far, from unoffcial sources, only one
        APA can be either unilateral (concluded   APA has been concluded between the
        with the Romanian tax authorities) or   Romanian tax authorities and a taxpayer.
        bilateral (involving at least two or more
        tax authorities).
        Is there a fling fee for APAs?      In which language or languages
        The tariff which would be charged for   can documentation be fled?
        releasing the APA is EUR10,000 up   Romanian only.
        to EUR20,000 (in the case of large

                                                                                 KPMG in Romania

                                                                                  Teodora Alecu
                                                                                  Tel: +40 372 377 800

                                                                                  As email addresses and phone numbers change
                                                                                  frequently, please email us at transferpricing@
                                                                         if you are unable to contact us via the
                                                                                  information noted above.
        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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