Page 49 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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           determination of the strategy    Transfer pricing audit                 transfer pricing audits conducted in
          infuencing the transfer price     and penalties                         cooperation with other countries tax
          (this element becomes obligatory                                        authorities (cooperation includes, for
          if it infuences the value of the   When the tax authority requests      instance, exchange of information
          transaction)                                                            between the tax administrations)
                                            a taxpayer s transfer pricing
           determination of other factors   documentation, how long does           transfer pricing audits focusing on
          infuencing the transfer price     the taxpayer have to submit its       more complicated transactions than
          (this element becomes obligatory   documentation?                       the ones that were examined in the
          if it infuences the value of the   Seven days following request.        past (for instance, sale of economic
          transaction)                                                            ownership of a trademark).
                                            If an adjustment is proposed by the
           determination of the benefts     tax authority, are dispute resolution
          expected due to services purchased   options available to the taxpayer   Special considerations
          (regarding the purchase of services   outside of competent authority?  Are secret comparables used by tax
          or transfer of intangibles).                                          authorities?
        A benchmarking study or any other                                       Secret comparables are not allowed.
        comparable economic analysis        If an adjustment is sustained, can   Nevertheless, in practice, cases of the
        documenting the compliance of the   penalties be assessed? If so, what   tax authorities using secret comparables
        transaction with the arms length    rates are applied and under what    do occur.
        standard is highly recommended.     conditions?
                                                                                Is there a preference, or requirement,
                                            Yes. If a taxpayer fails to submit
        Does the tax authority require an   such documentation or provides      by the tax authorities for local
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    documentation which does not meet the   comparables in a benchmarking set?
        specifc designation in order        legal requirements, and the tax authorities   Yes. The consequences of not having
        to prepare or submit a transfer     therefore assess an additional income,   local comparables depend on the level of
        pricing study?
                                            the assessed income will be taxed at   comparability between Poland and other
        No formal qualifcations required to   the penal 50 percent tax rate (instead of   markets. The worst-case scenario is
        prepare transfer pricing documentation.   standard rate  currently 19 percent).   challenging the whole search.
        However, normally done by licensed tax
        advisors. In the case of benchmarking   To what extent are transfer pricing   Do tax authorities have requirements
        analyses  access to databases (like   penalties enforced?               or preferences regarding databases
        Amadeus or Tegiel  a Polish database   Always.                          for comparables?
        including information on local companies)                               Preference (but no obligation) to use
        is essential in order to prepare the study.  What defenses are available with   the local database, as it provides more
                                            respect to penalties?               details on local comparables. The
        Transfer pricing methods            Documentation provides for penalty   preferred databases are: Tegiel (Polish
                                            protection against 50 percent penalty   database), Amadeus, Monitor Polski B
        Are transfer pricing methods        tax rate for adjusted incomes. Country-  (registry court data).
        outlined in Chapter II of the OECD   specifc documentation, including
        Guidelines acceptable?                                                  What level of interaction do tax
                                            a benchmarking search with a local
        Yes, with some exceptions (Berry ratio   database, confrming the arms length   authorities have with customs
        is not an advisable method).        standard of the transactions will mitigate   authorities?
                                            the risk of the prices being challenged.  High.
        Is there a priority among the
        acceptable methods?                  What trends are being observed     Are management fees deductible?
        Yes. If application of the transaction-  currently?                     Yes. Management fees may be
        based methods by the tax authorities   The following trends are currently being   tax deductible if all of the following
        verifying the transaction is impossible,   observed:                    conditions are met: the recipient of
        the proft-based methods can be applied.                                 the management service can prove
                                               a shift to a signifcantly more fexible   that services have been factually
        If there is no priority of methods,   and business-friendly approach by   rendered; the expense is incurred for
        is there a best method rule?          the Ministry of Finance APA team to   the purpose of earning revenue and
        Not applicable.                       taxpayers and transactions subject to   does not arise from a simple shifting of
                                              an APA                            expenses incurred on the group level

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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