Page 47 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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                                                                                                         Poland | 47


                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Poland

                                         In recent years transfer pricing has been mentioned as one of the top priorities in
                                        the circular issued each year by the Polish Ministry of Finance to the tax inspectors
                                       describing the main areas which should be subject to thorough scrutiny during tax
                                       audits. Polish tax authorities prefer to rely on Polish comparables when analyzing
                                      benchmarking studies. Due to the economic downturn, transfer pricing restructurings
                                     are being implemented in the multinational companies operating in Poland. As some of
                                    them may be perceived as abusive by the tax authorities, transfer pricing audits aimed at
                                   challenging the new transfer pricing structures are expected. The Polish Ministry of Finance
                                   is encouraging taxpayers to conclude APAs for their important transactions and we have
                                  noticed a change in their approach in recent years towards taxpayers who want to conclude
                                 APAs, becoming more business-friendly.

        Basic information                   Effective date of transfer pricing   agreements concluded with related
                                            rules                               parties when the value exceeds
        Tax authority name
                                            Arms length principle, 15 February 1992,   300,000 Euros (EUR) (total value
        Ministerstwo Finansów.              application of methods, 1 October 1997,   of receivables or liabilities resulting
                                            information requirement, 31 December   from all agreements concluded with
        Citation for transfer pricing rules                                     one related party within a fscal year)
                                            1997, documentation requirement,
        Reassessment of income: Article 11   27 July 2000, APA, 1 January 2006.  or EUR5,000 if an agreement is
        Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Act.                                         concluded with a related party which
                                            What is the relationship threshold   has a permanent establishment in
        Decree of the Ministry of Finance   for transfer pricing rules to apply   Poland; information on remuneration
        of 10 September 2009 establishing   between parties?                    paid by foreign related parties to foreign
        the taxpayers income through the                                        individuals providing services (working)
        assessment of prices, and on the method   Ownership greater than 5 percent,   for the Polish subsidiary.
        and procedure for the elimination of   share capital, are under common control.
        double taxation of the legal person in the                              What are the consequences
        case of proft adjustments for related   What is the statute of limitations   of failure to prepare or submit
        parties, in force as of 17 October 2009.  on assessment of transfer pricing   disclosures?
        Information requirements: Article 82   Six years from tax year-end.     Persons responsible for the companys
        and 82a of the Tax Ordinance Act and                                    tax compliance may be held responsible
        the Decree of the Ministry of Finance of                                under the penal-fscal code for not
        24 December 2002 on tax information.  Transfer pricing                  submitting required tax information.
                                            disclosure overview
        Documentation requirements:
        Article 9a CIT.                     Are disclosures related to transfer   Transfer pricing study
                                            pricing required to be prepared or   overview
        Documentation requirements          submitted to the revenue authority
        (sanctions): Article 19, sec. 4, CIT Act.  on an annual basis (e.g. with the   Is preparation of a transfer pricing
        Harmful tax competition: Decree of the   tax return)?                   study required  i.e. can the
                                                                                taxpayer be penalized for mere
        Ministry of Finance of 16 May 2005.  Yes.                               failure to prepare a study?
        APA: Article 20a20q, Tax Ordinance Act.  What types of transfer pricing   Yes, a transfer pricing study (understood
                                            information must be disclosed?      as documentation to related party
                                                                                transactions) is required for transactions
                                            Information if an entity is obliged to
                                            prepare statutory transfer pricing   exceeding thresholds. There is no
                                            documentation; information on       penalty for a mere failure to possess
        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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