Page 42 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        42 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        to set the exact amount of the penalty.   developed transfer pricing practice, and,   however the withholding tax can be
        As per the general penalty regime   accordingly, it is diffcult to ascertain   reduced down to 0 percent under an
        if taxpayers do not provide the facts   whether or not the tax authorities use   effective double tax treaty.
        necessary for the tax assessment,   such information.
        penalty can be imposed ranging                                          Are year-end transfer pricing
        from EUR1,500 to EUR2,000 for the   However, in past years the tax authorities   adjustments permitted?
        taxpayer and EUR750 for the person   have used similar types of information in   Yes, as generally under the CIT Law
        responsible. The tax authorities can   regards to the assessment of personal   taxpayers should report any differences
        assess a ban on performing business   income tax on rental income.      due to overstated expenses/understated
        activities for a period of 30 days.                                     revenues in their annual CIT return.
                                            Is there a preference, or
                                            requirement, by the tax
        To what extent are transfer pricing                                     Other unique attributes?
        penalties enforced?                 authorities for local comparables
                                            in a benchmarking set?              The Macedonian tax system is rather
        Rarely, although it is expected that the                                unique, considering that, starting from 1
        practice followed by the tax authorities   The CIT Law prescribes that market   January 2009, the Macedonian income
        will be changed in the forthcoming   prices are determined on the basis of   taxation regime was changed, whereby
        period.                             comparable prices that could have been   the base for income tax computation
                                            realized between unrelated parties   was shifted from the proft before tax
        What defenses are available with    on the domestic market or a similar   concept to the income distribution
        respect to penalties?               foreign market. However, use of local   concept.
                                            comparables might be considered as an
        It is recommended that companies    advantage.
        have readily available information and                                  In this respect, on an annual basis
        evidence which would confrm that    Do tax authorities have             taxpayers pay tax at 10 percent on
        related-party transactions have been   requirements or preferences      expenses not recognized for tax
        carried at arms length, thus providing   regarding databases for        purposes and understated revenues
        a stronger argument against assessing   comparables?                    (including transfer pricing), whereby the
        (maximum) penalties in cases of dispute                                 tax is due irrespective of the taxpayer s
        with the tax authorities.           Not applicable.                     fnancial result.
                                            What level of interaction do tax
        What trends are being observed                                          Other recent
        currently?                          authorities have with customs
                                            authorities?                        developments
        Considering the (i) specifcs of the
        Macedonian taxation system, and (ii)   High, particularly in the area of VAT, yet,   There were recently amendments made
        recent changes in the CIT legislation in   no particular cases have been witnessed   to the Macedonian Law on Trading
        relation to transfer prices, it is expected   in regard to transfer pricing.  Companies, which introduced the
        that transfer pricing will become one of   Are management fees deductible?   requirement of an auditor s opinion in the
        the focal points for the tax authorities.                               process of approval of business deals
        However, currently we are not seeing   Yes, under the general requirements that   with interested parties. Among others,
        many cases where the tax authorities   the receipt of services can be witnessed   the auditor s opinion should address
        have challenged transfer prices.    and that they relate to the taxpayer s   whether the transaction is fair, and at
                                            business activities.                market level. The respective provisions
                                                                                apply to listed companies where the
        Special considerations              Are management fees subject to      transaction exceeds the set thresholds
                                            withholding?                        (exceptions do apply).
        Are secret comparables used by tax
        authorities?                        Management services paid to foreign
                                            entities is subject to a 10 percent
        Considering the recent changes to the
        CIT legislation in regard to evidencing   withholding tax under local legislation,
        transfer pricing, there is not yet a well

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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