Page 37 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 37

                                                                                                       Lithuania | 37


                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Lithuania

                                         Transfer pricing rules were implemented in Lithuania in 2004. In general, they
                                        are a condensed form of the OECD Guidelines.

                                       Over the past few years, transfer pricing has been subject to increased focus. The
                                      tax authorities are now requesting that companies submit transfer pricing
                                     documentation for review.
                                    The Lithuanian tax authorities have direct access to the Amadeus database allowing
                                    them to analyze benchmarking studies and perform adjustments. They are also
                                   increasing investigations of transactions involving management services, centralized
                                  purchasing services, loans and license agreements.

        Basic information                   Transfer pricing                      materials, goods, production items,

        Tax authority name                  disclosure overview                   provision/acquisition of fnancial
                                                                                  services, provision/acquisition of
        Valstybine mokesciu inspekcija      Are disclosures related to transfer   other services, sale/purchase of
        (State Tax Authority).              pricing required to be prepared or    shares and/or derivatives, lease of
                                            submitted to the revenue authority    real estate and other property, as
        Citation for transfer pricing rules   on an annual basis (e.g. with the   well as any other transactions).
        Order No. 1K-123 of the Minister of   tax return)?                      The statement must specify income
        Finance (9 April 2004).             Disclosures related to transfer pricing   received/expenses incurred for each
                                            (form FR0528  transactions with related   type of transaction.
        Effective date of transfer pricing   parties) must be submitted to the tax
        rules                               authorities with the tax return. Transfer   A transfer pricing study must be prepared
        2004.                               pricing documentation must be prepared   every year (if the criteria are met) but
                                            but not submitted.                  submitted to tax authorities only upon
        What is the relationship threshold                                      request.
        for transfer pricing rules to apply   What types of transfer pricing
        between parties?                    information must be disclosed?      What are the consequences
        Ownership higher than 25 percent, based   Annual statement (form FR0528) should   of failure to prepare or submit
        on voting power, or under common    include the following information:   disclosures?
        control, or in cases where the parties can                              Administrative penalties for non-
        otherwise infuence each other.         associated parties               submission may be imposed. In practice,
                                               number of transactions           one does not observe penalties being
        What is the statute of limitations                                      imposed.
        on assessment of transfer pricing      type of transactions performed with
        adjustments?                          each associated party (sale/purchase
        Generally the current year and        of tangible fxed assets, sale/purchase
        5 previous taxable years.             of intangibles, sale/purchase of raw

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