Page 35 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 35

                                                                                                         Latvia | 35

        Other than complying with a         legislation does not recognize the use of   If an adjustment is sustained, can
        requirement per the previous        other methods, as allowed by the OECD   penalties be assessed? If so, what
        question, describe the benefts, if   Guidelines.                        rates are applied and under what
        any, of preparing and maintaining                                       conditions?
        a transfer pricing study?           Is there a priority among the       Yes. A penalty of 20 percent or 30 percent
                                            acceptable methods?
        Shifting the burden of proof, and   Comparable uncontrolled price method,   is applied. It can be halved i.e. 10 percent
        requirement in practice/expectation   resale price method and cost-plus   or 15 percent if certain criteria are met.
        of tax authorities.
                                            method have priority.               To what extent are transfer pricing
        To satisfy the requirement and/or   If there is no priority of methods,   penalties enforced?
        obtain the benefts, are there any   is there a best method rule?        Always.
        requirements on when the transfer
        pricing study must be prepared      No.                                 What defenses are available with
        and submitted?                                                          respect to penalties?
        If the taxpayer is required to prepare   Transfer pricing audit         Transfer pricing documentation.
        full transfer pricing documentation (net   and penalties                What trends are being observed
        turnover and transaction value criteria                                 currently?
        are met), it must be submitted to the tax   When the tax authority requests
        authority within 1 month of the request.  a taxpayer s transfer pricing   The tax authoritys interest in transfer
                                            documentation, how long does        pricing has increased and therefore
        Based on KPMG in Latvias experience,   the taxpayer have to submit its   pricing in all intra-group transactions may
        extensions are possible. However, each   documentation?                 be questioned. More transfer pricing
        case must be negotiated.            Thirty days if the taxpayer is required   audits are performed by the tax authority.
                                            to prepare full transfer pricing
        When a transfer pricing study is    documentation.
        prepared, should its content follow                                     Special considerations
        Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?   If an adjustment is proposed by the   Are secret comparables used by
        Yes, with some exceptions.          tax authority, are dispute resolution   tax authorities?
                                            options available to the taxpayer   KPMG in Latvia has no information about
        Latvia is not a member of the OECD,   outside of competent authority?
        thus the OECD Guidelines are not                                        the use of any secret comparables.
        applicable. However, Latvian legislation   Yes. If the taxpayer appeals the   Is there a preference, or requirement,
        is based on the OECD Guidelines.    decision of the tax authority on transfer
                                            prices, it can submit an application to   by the tax authorities for local
        Does the tax authority require an   the Transaction Evaluation Commission   comparables in a benchmarking set?
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    (in Latvian  Darijumu novertejuma   Yes, if local comparables can be found.
        specifc designation in order        komisija) established under the Ministry   If local comparables are not available,
        to prepare or submit a transfer     of Economics of the Republic of Latvia.   a European benchmarking study is
        pricing study?                      Generally, the Commission issues a   acceptable.
        No.                                 decision on the market value of the   If local comparables are found by the
                                            particular transaction within 30 days after
                                            the receipt of the taxpayer s application.   tax authority but they are not included in
        Transfer pricing methods            If the tax authority does not agree to   the entitys benchmarking study, the tax

        Are transfer pricing methods outlined   it and the matter is taken to court, the   authority could reject the entitys results.
        in Chapter II of the OECD Guidelines   Commissions decision is in the nature of
        acceptable?                         a recommendation.
        Yes, with some exceptions. Latvian   If the appeal of the tax authoritys
        legislation accepts transaction methods:   decision is not benefcial to the taxpayer,
        CUP, resale price, and cost plus. They   matters are more often taken to court
        also accept proft-based methods:    and not to the Transaction Evaluation
        proft split, and TNMM. However, the   Commission.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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